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Rishi Sunak's Budget, October 2021

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6 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I agree.

I'm waiting for some proper analysis. But Rishi Sunak seems to be using the same strategies as our Boris, all smoke and mirrors and 'good times ahead folks!'

And if you believe that, you'll believe anything....

Its a good strategy, so long as you are not telling huge whoppers, which they are.

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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

He says we're entering an an age of optimism....


He might be optimistic with his multi millions, but I've never felt less optimistic in my life, What about you?

I'm surprised that no-one on here has commented about the strategy of austerity.

When the Conservatives were elected in in 2010 they made much about the terrible debt and deficit 'that Labour had caused' (the global banking crisis). They and their supporters on here said 'we need austerity, we need to balance the books, we need austerity'. EG: Is austerity working- and will it ever end? - General Discussions - Sheffield Forum


Now in 2021, government debt, and the government deficit is much higher than it was in 2008/9. Yet the Chancellor today said there will be 'no more return to austerity', and indeed has announced an increase of £150 billion of public spending increases, saying that we need to invest and grow our way out of debt.


What's with this 180 degree turn?

Edited by Mister M
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4 minutes ago, Janet24 said:

The little matter of a Global Pandemic? Maybe ,just maybe,that has affected the deficit!

Agreed. The Government spent a lot of public money during the pandemic, just like the then government did in the banking crisis. But why are the Government now abandoning the strategy of austerity, announcing that they want to grow their way out of debt?

Couldn't the choice in 2010 being one of growing its way out of debt? In 2010 we were told there was no alternative. 

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As someone who has a good education I feel it would be a good idea to put forward a more educated perspective 


I think petrol needs to go up in price and this will fund more charging points for electric cars


Maybe make lorrys electric powered too? 

Edited by rogets
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10 minutes ago, rogets said:

As someone who has a good education I feel it would be a good idea to put forward a more educated perspective 


I think petrol needs to go up in price and this will fund more charging points for electric cars


Maybe make lorrys electric powered too? 

Perhaps they could tax elecrticity and gas more, they will when there are not petrol/deisel cars around.

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7 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

2p a pint off draught beer in 16 months time-Oh joy!



Even if someone supped 50 pints a week they wouldn't save enough for a half.


Had to laugh at this story and the picture.




Somehow can't see BoJo or Risky lifting full 30 gallon barrels, and what exactly is Sunak doing to the barrel?

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2 hours ago, rogets said:

As someone who has a good education I feel it would be a good idea to put forward a more educated perspective 


I think petrol needs to go up in price and this will fund more charging points for electric cars


Maybe make lorrys electric powered too? 

As someone who has a bad education I feel it would be a good idea to put forward an idiotic counterpoint.


Petrol and diesel powered cars are on the way out though simply replacing them with electric ones won't solve most of the problems. Needs a fundamental shift and much better and cheaper public transport, unfortunately that's not looking likely anytime soon.


As for electric lorries, the technology just isn't there yet. The energy density for batteries is just far too low compared to fossil fuels, by the time you've got a big enough power source you won't actually be able to carry any cargo. Maybe you could put your education to good use and invent a better battery?

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When we were members of the EU we played second fiddle to fellow members, taxation on alcohol and tobacco comes to mind, as does the French  maximum state pension of €35K p/a. All the folk that are crossing the channel to settle in the U.K. are highly unlikely to be seeking PAYE employment.


Stuff the Budget.

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