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E-Cigarettes On Prescription?

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3 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

And there's the problem, Mr ab!

We've somehow managed to replace all the strong-willed people with a generation of namby-pamby whippersnappers who genuinely believe that it's always someone else's fault for their own predicaments... :roll:


Those weak willed under70s (including me)who started despite the warnings on the packets and make such a song and dance about stopping what they started have been replaced by generations who are not as gullible you call  "...namby-pamby whippersnappers...".




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17 hours ago, crookesey said:

The 2007 indoor smoking rules made me want to quit, standing outside on the fire escape having a smoke was no joke, I got there in 2010 and didn’t find it that daunting, I’m not the strongest willed guy, so if I can do it anyone can.

See, we had the opposite problem.

We used to enjoy sitting outside public houses away from the smoky fog inside, only to be joined outside by the now barred, from inside smokers ☹️.


Keep safe out there 8).

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1 hour ago, Rockers rule said:

See, we had the opposite problem.

We used to enjoy sitting outside public houses away from the smoky fog inside, only to be joined outside by the now barred, from inside smokers ☹️.


Keep safe out there 8).

Without folk like you I might very likely still be smoking, cheers. 👍

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After 25 years of trying to quit cigs, it was an ecig that did it for me. I tried them for a year whilst also smoking and gradually found the type of ecig I liked and than it was dead-easy to quit smoking 'real' tobacco altogether. 


The issue with that is for a while I had to buy different types of ecigs (There is a whole raft of different options out there), as well as the ejuice that goes in them, as well as the actual tobacco, so I spent quite a bit more on my stupid habit during that year. I'm quite fortunate in that I could afford it, but many out there will not be in that position. 


I am fully aware that ecigs come with their own (undiscovered) risks and are not as healthy as not smoking, at the same time, actual smoking has got to be worse. I noticed an enormous improvement in my cardiac health once I cut out actual cigarettes. So the question is: Will providing ecigs on the NHS potentially stop patients becoming heart patients? If 1000 folks that switch to ecigs instead of cigs don't end up in cardiology departments than surely that has to be worth it bearing in mind the cost to look after them. 


It's definitely a 'choose your poison' game, but it has to be investigated and I am pleased the NHS is doing just that. 

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