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Greta Thunberg

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20 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

That was rather awkward 😂

1. she is autistic- it is well known that we often require 2 or 3 times longer to process information. 

what you will tend to get from autistic people is higher than average levels of honesty, integrity and logical thought; what you are less likely to get is snappy answers, fake confidence and false smiles- that is what you have politicians for, and look where that has got you.


2. she suggests more questions for the other people on the panel- that seems to be interpreted as meaning she feels she is not up to the job- in reality I suspect that she is so sick of the celebrity culture around these events that she wants the reporters to actually address questions to the panel rather than bolster the sickness of celebrity worship.

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16 hours ago, Pyrotequila said:


That's kinda like what a petulant child does when they're losing an argument... walk out in a huff.

When an event is a total farce walking out is a very legitimate response- to remain not only wastes your valuable time, but remaining present risks you being seen as considering the event to be valid.

Strange how you don't pick up on the comments of the official such as 'we must not only walk the talk, but go beyond the talk.....'- pretty much sums the whole thing up- yet more tired, platitudinal catch-phrases to cover up the inevitable consequent lack of any meaningul action that will let the status quo continue.

As for Gretas response to the officials 'thank you for coming', I thought it was spot on! :)

Edited by onewheeldave
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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

Personally I don't think it matters where or who the message comes from, as long as the message comes across.

I think we all know by now we are doing damage to our planet. Why deny it?

The sooner we get to grips with the problems the better we will be able to deal with them.


And electric cars are not the answer...  Stop throwing money in the wrong direction. It's just wasted.

I don't think people are denying it Anna. Westernised countries like ourselves have been "doing things" for years. The issue of climate change has been on the agenda for decades before that.


However it is always going to be weighed up against the practical realities.  Morons like Greta and the insulate roadblocking mob may sit their preaching but as soon as they are pushed to give any genuine realistic practical solution about how to solve the problem they suddenly fall silent, storm off or get busted for being hypocrites.


The fact is that Mouthpieces like Greta don't have any solutions. They just thrive on disrupting, shouting, attention seeking and enjoying the fame that comes with it.


They preach and preach and preach but when questions are asked about how exactly they expect things to happen,  suddenly it's pass the buck onto somebody else or ridiculous over dramatic statements like the old "how dare you" debarcle.


The YouTube video posted above proves how worthless she and all of her type are.   Just what exactly is she doing there? How on Earth did this uneducated, manipulated, disturbed mouthpiece getting involved on such a panel in the first place? What exactly does she bring to the table?   She sat there playing it Mr Big but as soon as a simple question about what exactly "her messages is" she's stunned into silence, desperately trying to to get help from the real Grown Ups  and expecting her chaperones and minders to protect her from those nasty question asking journalists. 


Like I said earlier, the cutesy child is gone. She's becoming a grown adult and it will not be long before more and more of her deluded fan girls and fanboys see right through her.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

Personally I don't think it matters where or who the message comes from, as long as the message comes across.

I think we all know by now we are doing damage to our planet. Why deny it?

The sooner we get to grips with the problems the better we will be able to deal with them.


And electric cars are not the answer...  Stop throwing money in the wrong direction. It's just wasted.

I agree with your electric car nonsense, but no one would ever expect, me a confirmed petrol head not to. 


What get me is, What are they going to do about the Worlds problems ?

Standing back waiting for a major conference is hardly pro-active.

Has no one the gumption to preempt a problem, act on it  THEN stand up PROUD and say WE'VE DONE this, NOT  - "by the year 2046 we will have eradicated" what ever topic is flavour of the month. 


Why are we still seeing skeleton thin Children on TV ?

Why are people living with out water ?

The logistics of suppling water is hardly rocket science (something the same country's are probably good at).

Stopping corrupt  governments squandering  their country resources and the  World aid sent to them IS the problem NO ONE appears to want to solve, because, Lord forbid we should want to offend anyone.

Till then we'll continue to see the same faces (including Thunberg) stand on the world stage (those that turn up that is) and shake hands spouting the same false rhetoric.

Wouldn't it be nice to see a Country NOT turn up, not because they happen to be a major pollutant, but a country that is so proactive they can justify not turning up ! (Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen).




Zero Carbon Footprint - what a load of Hog Wash. 

I can just see Grandma sitting by the unlit gas fire until her grandson's planted enough trees to warrant turning the thing on. 

God for bid the old dears got one of those man-made throw's on! Grandson 'll be out all day.


Till then,

Keep safe 


Keep  sending all your £3 a month's to something their own country should already be doing.










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16 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

1. she is autistic- it is well known that we often require 2 or 3 times longer to process information. 


Let me stop you right there 

I'm aware of the delay in responding due to the extra processing time  someone with autism may need. That didn't appear to be the case in the video. 

If it was the case I'm happy to retract my post and admit my mistake. 

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14 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

1. she is autistic- it is well known that we often require 2 or 3 times longer to process information. 

what you will tend to get from autistic people is higher than average levels of honesty, integrity and logical thought; what you are less likely to get is snappy answers, fake confidence and false smiles- that is what you have politicians for, and look where that has got you.


2. she suggests more questions for the other people on the panel- that seems to be interpreted as meaning she feels she is not up to the job- in reality I suspect that she is so sick of the celebrity culture around these events that she wants the reporters to actually address questions to the panel rather than bolster the sickness of celebrity worship.

Horse crap. Illness is just an excuse. She chooses to be there. So she should be expected get prepared.


As for the celebrity culture and fame, you must be joking. It's what her and the entire family thrive on. She's been pushed into there by her parents. She's a money making machine for the family. She's 18 years old so could drop it all tomorrow but clearly doesn't.


If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen as they say. She wants to play politician - well it's blindingly obvious as you're sitting on a panel in front of lots of journalists they will ask you questions.


Time for her to grow up. 

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

Let me stop you right there 

I'm aware of the delay in responding due to the extra processing time  someone with autism may need. That didn't appear to be the case in the video. 

If it was the case I'm happy to retract my post and admit my mistake. 

Steady on DADDY 🙃 8) :bigsmile:

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44 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Speak for yourself, Anna.


The real "deniers" are those who preach the loudest.


My carbon footprint is almost zero. No car, walk to everything, and we cook all our own meals from locally produced food. All my life, I've  planted trees in the urban areas where I have lived, and volunteered for weekend tree planting in the countryside.


Your collective "WE" will never stop wars, terrorism, crime  or corruption, or UNNECESSARY pollution.


Only "YOU" can.


What are YOU doing about it? How much plastic, appliances and energy for transportation do you consume?

Good for you.


But unfortunately ordinary people are not realistically in a position to stop wars, terrorism, corruption etc, that is why we need governments to do the collective organisation /legislation bit.

And they often get it wrong.


I agree that everyone has to do their bit. It's an important part of the equation, (I do try.) But a lot of the problems involve big buiness, corporations etc, over which we have very little control. 


The answers are out there, but they have to be properly considered, thought through, and applied consistently, and that requires a high level of co operation and goodwill, which is difficult at the best of times. 

Generally there's still too much greed and selfishness about, it seems to be part of the human condition, survival of the fittest mentallity, and a lot of it is fuelled by fear too. 

Which is why we need leaders with vision and a good grasp of the facts (we can't even agree on those,) and the necessary determination to do the right thing and see it through. At the moment they're just piddling round the edges.


The clock is ticking...

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Good for you.


But unfortunately ordinary people are not realistically in a position to stop wars, terrorism, corruption etc, that is why we need governments to do the collective organisation /legislation bit.

And they often get it wrong.


I agree that everyone has to do their bit. It's an important part of the equation, (I do try.) But a lot of the problems involve big buiness, corporations etc, over which we have very little control. 


The answers are out there, but they have to be properly considered, thought through, and applied consistently, and that requires a high level of co operation and goodwill, which is difficult at the best of times. 

Generally there's still too much greed and selfishness about, it seems to be part of the human condition, survival of the fittest mentallity, and a lot of it is fuelled by fear too. 

Which is why we need leaders with vision and a good grasp of the facts (we can't even agree on those,) and the necessary determination to do the right thing and see it through. At the moment they're just piddling round the edges.


The clock is ticking...

 'Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.' - John Dunne


I didn't really expect you to answer my question with any substansive answer, because you are a normal human being. And so, mostly is Greta. And so are those "big buiness, corporations etc, over which we have very little control".  In your "etc", you might have mentioned governments.  In fact what you do personally has little impact on World fossil fuel emissions.


But those entities you refer to, and governments, are too busy  cranking out the material creature comforts that you and I, Greta and Al Gore enjoy to a greater, or in my case, lesser dgree. People will not vote to lessen their standard of living, unless they are told they are going to die, if they don't.


Being told to put a brick in your toilet, save flushes, and don't take showers, turn down the heat in winter, by folks who live the obscene material lives of politicians, celebs, popes etc., will never be taken seriously in the West.


The great Satan, America has been lowering its emissions since 2005, while the EU has done even better.


So where's the problem coming from?


The developing countries in Africa, and India and China.


They are not listening to your pleas to lower and effectively freeze their own standards of living, so that the West can enjoy its material luxuries with no worry.


Only outright war, could change that metric. Not tears from you or Greta. They will not be taken seriously in the East, either.


Like war, crime, corruption, emissions  will not be eradicated in our lifetime, unless the current green opposition to nuclear and hydro, or unforseen technical developments appear which is most likely.


The science of it all?


The charts I post here from time to time on Polar Ice, and Earth temperatures, (NASA, NOAA,  NSIDC) are the best evidence we have as to what is happening.  The future is speculative.


No reputable scientist is predicting catastrophic climate change, that is not qualified by the terms, "if, if, then, could, may, at this rate". from models. Only unscruplous politicians and the click bait Fake Media, do not include these qualifiers in their article.


There no conspiracy theory among scientists. If model predictions don't happen, they just revise the models to incorporate the last observations, as we have seen in the U.N. Climate Reports published since 1990.


The scientists are smarter than politicians, they will always be able to say "we were right, read it again".


And there's no machine, windmill, solar panel that can convert energy at 100 % output. That would defy the Second Law of Thermodynamics.


Wind and solar are low efficient sources of energy we have at present on a wide scale. (CBI)


Hope that helps.





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