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Greta Thunberg

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She marches with the school kids, but it's she who gets the attention of the papparazzi who follow her everywhere, and she gets all the credit. 


When she's has enough of the attention, her handlers are probably waiting to take her back to the 5 star hotel, to count the new donations to her tax free "foundation".


We used to call people like that bigeards.

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47 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

I like Greta, she boils the p*** of sad old men.

Us old men aren't sad.


She's too young to be taken seriously, and obviously scripted.


Just having a laugh at the sad saps, that have elevated her to rock star status, and her handlers.


The poor lass should be home, doing her homework, with a cuppa tea and a cheese sandwich  :)


Maybe reading up on the science of the mechanisms that control a planet's climate.


A good treatise on World economics.


Or Judy Garland's life story.

Edited by trastrick
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I watched, with interest, so many articulate Children, happy to receive their 15 minutes of fame in front of the TV cameras yesterday on the streets of Glasgow.

Was there an element of posturing to be 'the youngest' ? 

Leaving that to one side.

Greta's performance on stage to her young audience reminded me of  seeing Noddy Holder years ago.

With the audience whipped up, (not me I'd gone to watch the support band - Alex Harvey) Noddy started making some rather strange sounds, before turning the microphone back to the audience for them to repeat.

I remember thinking -'Sheep'- "BA-BA-BA" .

Greta's speech wasn't any different to anything she has said before & the BLA-BLA-BLA  tag line can only work so many times.

Time for her script writer to work on a new 'Catchphrase'.






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38 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

I watched, with interest, so many articulate Children, happy to receive their 15 minutes of fame in front of the TV cameras yesterday on the streets of Glasgow.

Was there an element of posturing to be 'the youngest' ? 

Leaving that to one side.

Greta's performance on stage to her young audience reminded me of  seeing Noddy Holder years ago.

With the audience whipped up, (not me I'd gone to watch the support band - Alex Harvey) Noddy started making some rather strange sounds, before turning the microphone back to the audience for them to repeat.

I remember thinking -'Sheep'- "BA-BA-BA" .

Greta's speech wasn't any different to anything she has said before & the BLA-BLA-BLA  tag line can only work so many times.

Time for her script writer to work on a new 'Catchphrase'.






In 2019 Greta (or somebody) set up a "non profit Foundation" for,  as she says,  “handling money (book royalties, donations, prize money etc.) in a transparent way.”


At present no such Foundation can be found on a web search, so there is presently no "transparency" as to who is in charge of this "foundation".


If it follows the pattern of the Clinton or Trump foundations, it should be interesting.


(For those not familiar with the term "non profit", it merely means that your income from grants and donations is tax free, and you committ to spend all your income on costs, such as salaries, consultants, property and charitable works, even financial investments.


It's a good way to hire family, friends, and others who have helped you in the past, buy or build shiny new buildings all over the world, and the luxury transportation and hotel accomodation to attend to business. Dead people have the best "foundations", because their personal reputations are fixed in time, and not subject to the vagaries of current celebrity status, or likely to finish up in jail. :)

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

In 2019 Greta (or somebody) set up a "non profit Foundation" for,  as she says,  “handling money (book royalties, donations, prize money etc.) in a transparent way.”


At present no such Foundation can be found on a web search, so there is presently no "transparency" as to who is in charge of this "foundation".


If it follows the pattern of the Clinton or Trump foundations, it should be interesting.


(For those not familiar with the term "non profit", it merely means that your income from grants and donations is tax free, and you committ to spend all your income on costs, such as salaries, consultants, property and charitable works, even financial investments.


It's a good way to hire family, friends, and others who have helped you in the past, buy or build shiny new buildings all over the world, and the luxury transportation and hotel accomodation to attend to business. Dead people have the best "foundations", because their personal reputations are fixed in time, and not subject to the vagaries of current celebrity status, or likely to finish up in jail. :)

Thank you Trastrick, very informative.

Not sure what it has to do with my post but very informative :thumbsup:.


Although saying that, the above may well be of use to some of those articulate youngsters parents up in Glasgow.

Reading your post would have their brains working overtime &  going faster than my electric meter when i'm using the welder.


Keep safe 8)


14 hours ago, Mister Gee said:

I like Greta, she boils the p*** of sad old men.

& I thought it was Cystitis 🥴.


Keep safe 8)


Edited by Rockers rule
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On 05/11/2021 at 20:38, ECCOnoob said:

Fine. Disorder then. Condition then. Disability then. Call it whatever you want.



Autism isn't a disorder, condition or disability- it is a different neurotype; one associated with a tendency to honesty, straight talking and a dislike of lies, deception and social grooming.


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