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Pcn At Bradfield Road Car Park

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If you've parked there a dozen times then think of it as a £5 charge for each time you've parked there.

Or start a possibly long and drawn out legal battle.

Your choice.

Dont park there again !

I'll give you one tip that's never failed me. If your rear number plate is on your boot lid and not on the rear bumper, drive out with your boot open that way the camera doesn't register you leaving 😀

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1 hour ago, dan2802 said:

If you've parked there a dozen times then think of it as a £5 charge for each time you've parked there.

Or start a possibly long and drawn out legal battle.

Your choice.

Dont park there again !

I'll give you one tip that's never failed me. If your rear number plate is on your boot lid and not on the rear bumper, drive out with your boot open that way the camera doesn't register you leaving 😀

It won't be a long drawn out legal battle it will be a few carefully worded letters, we need to stand up to these companies.

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Guest busdriver1

So a shop kindly provides car parking for ITS CUSTOMERS to use and someone decides to park in it for other reasons then complains when they get caught. Only in Sheffield.

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20 minutes ago, busdriver1 said:

So a shop kindly provides car parking for ITS CUSTOMERS to use and someone decides to park in it for other reasons then complains when they get caught. Only in Sheffield.

It's not just solely for the shop users. You can park there ( for a limited time)  and go wherever you like.

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As was said earlier, the best advice is to go to the pepipoo or MSE forums where you'll get free expert advice.  Don't pay initially, but don't ignore.  They have six years in which to bring a claim against you in the county court, by which time you may have moved and the claim goes to the old address and you lose by default. That means your credit rating is wrecked for 6 years: no new mortgages, phone contracts etc. Many of these invoices can get  cancelled if the right steps are taken.

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23 hours ago, actionman said:

Its an invoice.

Dont pay

It happened to me in a private car park in town

I recieved a few letters then QDR solicitors letters .

I ignored the lot.

That was 3 yrs ago.



Could you send me your address, might be useful if I'm in the neighbourhood to be able to use free parking on your driveway. Thanks in advance.

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On 05/11/2021 at 23:42, actionman said:

Its an invoice.

Dont pay

It happened to me in a private car park in town

I recieved a few letters then QDR solicitors letters .

I ignored the lot.

That was 3 yrs ago.



Things have changed now 

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