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Rotherham Cse In The News Again

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23 hours ago, butlers said:

It is notable there have been  many other cases of CSE in Sheffields courts in the last few months by non Asian offenders ,of which not a mention in this thread

Google the words grooming gangs and check the resukts, I rest my case. Apologists are a part of the problem.

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The problem will only get worse due to the government's failure to deal with the migrant invasion from Calais. If anybody thinks this huge influx of young men from countries where women are treated as second class citizens, with western women being viewed with particular contempt for the way they dress isn't going to lead to a rise in attacks on women, they're living in cloud cuckoo land. The authorities will try to cover it up as usual, in fact they probably already are doing but the truth will leak out eventually but by then, it'll be too late.

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16 hours ago, despritdan said:

The problem will only get worse due to the government's failure to deal with the migrant invasion from Calais. If anybody thinks this huge influx of young men from countries where women are treated as second class citizens, with western women being viewed with particular contempt for the way they dress isn't going to lead to a rise in attacks on women, they're living in cloud cuckoo land. The authorities will try to cover it up as usual, in fact they probably already are doing but the truth will leak out eventually but by then, it'll be too late.

There is already the "all men" are ausers thing has been doing the rounds for a while and unfortunately some women are falling for it, its a cover story for the inevitable, we already have reports of attacks where descriptions of the attacker are not given.

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  • 2 weeks later...
58 minutes ago, prince al said:

Not good for SYP.

Don't forget, RMBC/Labour Party had a major role. The Linden report only investigated SYP's role in this. 

If you look at all the currently exposed areas you'll notice that all the areas have something in common:

Labour run council
High concentration of ethnic populations. 

Commonalities that MSM stays away from reporting. There are a LOT more areas in the country that fit this. Big towns and cities that haven't yet been exposed yet it WILL have happened/be happening. 

I also have a problem with the term used to describe these heinous crimes. Child Sex Exploitation, to me, softens what really was going on. The MASS ORGANISED GANG-RAPING & TRAFFICKING OF CHILDREN.

Also it seems SYP are still ignoring the issue even now. I have a friend who's colleague witnessed several scantily clad, very young looking girls being escorted into a business address on the outskirts of Sheffield by a male. He said none of the girls seemed happy to be there and they were lead through a door at the back of the premises once inside. Since his report he has not been contacted for a formal witness statement or follow up and when he tried to chase it up "no-one is available at the moment".

All of this was borne from the introduction of RACIST policies of both the Labour party and UK police forces. Policies that prevented prompt intervention, detection and prosecution of these rapists purely because of their ethnic background. To quote one senior officer when confronted by a whistle-blower "stop rocking the multicultural boat". Policies that still exist today. 

And yes, to those naysayers, it is racism. Authorities chose NOT to act because of ethnicity and that's just as discriminatory as chosing to act based on ethnicity. 

Edited by Resident
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As this goes back to the 1990s, we are talking about a whole generation of people in communities and careers. With people still in fear and those fearfull for their jobs it isn't likely we will get the full story for another decade. 

Would an amnesty be useful in this situation for those who's jobs were to keep our vulnerable safe, bearing in mind some are angry that no one has been held accountable?

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