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Rotherham Cse In The News Again

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23 hours ago, Resident said:

It's the Labour party. No-one ever is held to account and they placate their moronic membership with "lessons have been learned" platitudes



Has anybody told this person of the connection between Maggie Thatcher and Sir Jimmy Savile yet ?

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7 hours ago, The Joker said:


Has anybody told this person of the connection between Maggie Thatcher and Sir Jimmy Savile yet ?

Does that excuse ignoring thousands of CSE cases?


Ex-Labour MP Kevin Barron (useless) has said he regrets not speaking out about the abuse in Rotherham, funny how he's left it until the heats starting to be turned up to make this confession.

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11 hours ago, top4718 said:

Does that excuse ignoring thousands of CSE cases?


Ex-Labour MP Kevin Barron (useless) has said he regrets not speaking out about the abuse in Rotherham, funny how he's left it until the heats starting to be turned up to make this confession.

As far as he's concerned yet. He blindly defends any transgression by Labour.  We can only hope he hasn't bred or if he has that his obvious mental deficiencies skip a generation,

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On 04/02/2022 at 08:53, Resident said:

Unfortunately this is what happens when you try to integrate a culture that is incompatible with the established culture. Especially when it comes to values and morals that are significantly different


To say lots of these are 3rd and 4th generation immigrants they are well integrated from school age so its hard to think why they should pose such a threat to society. Ahmed was subjecting him victims to sex crimes before he was 16 so it looks like their is a problem in the large family model where children are picked on by family members like cousins and uncles. This makes it harder for them to seek help and easy for perpetrators to make them fear authority.


I saw this happening on Sheffield Road/Raby St back in 2000 where young girls were being threatened with being burned alive if they told anyone they had been raped. I made sure they did get help but it meant they and eventually I had to move out of the area. Others had their door smashed in and one was raped by someone who climbed up an ladder and into their bedroom. No one was ever prosecuted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At a school in Oldham (The Radclyffe School) a Year 9 girl pupil was subjected to targeted bullying in person and on social media, this led to three sexual assaults by the same male pupil, after the first assault the boy was suspended by the school but unbelievably he was allowed back after 5 days and put back in the same class as the girl, the second two assaults followed, the incident wasn't reported to any safeguarding teams and the school has virtually closed rank on the incident, after she made a suicide attempt the head of the school wouldn't even accept calls from the mother and the no action has been taken, the school has three Labour councillor's on its board of governors.


Another disgraceful attempt to brush a sex abuse case under the carpet.

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Has anybody established why there's so many links between religion and child abuse?  I was brought up in the Catholic faith and sadly there's well-documented evidence of abuse (mainly by sad individuals within their clergy). We all know it's impossible to mention certain other religions that have "form" here without being "cancelled" / branded a racist - but there it is.  Dogmatic adherence to religious mumbo-jumbo (of whatever persuasion) has all too often been a cover for all sorts of deviant behaviour.

Edited by Martin C
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21 hours ago, Martin C said:

Has anybody established why there's so many links between religion and child abuse?  I was brought up in the Catholic faith and sadly there's well-documented evidence of abuse (mainly by sad individuals within their clergy). We all know it's impossible to mention certain other religions that have "form" here without being "cancelled" / branded a racist - but there it is.  Dogmatic adherence to religious mumbo-jumbo (of whatever persuasion) has all too often been a cover for all sorts of deviant behaviour.

People in the clergy were very respected members of communities in days when religious beliefs in this country were still very strong, they abused their positions of power and trust in the vilest of ways and anyone speaking out would have been dismissed as a liar.


A lot of the abusers in places like Rotherham and other mostly Labour led towns and cities are taxi drivers and takeaway and corner shop owners who have only been allowed to do what they've done (and are still doing) by the total inaction of the police/local authorities giving them the same untouchable shield as the Catholic priests before them, still no has been held to account from these authorities.

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Two more cases have come to light today (not that you'd know from the national MSM) Redditch and Keighley, you know the score, same people, same MO, same vulnerable victims, same lack of people who should have prevented this being named etc, it goes on and on and on and on................

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More of these disgusting racist pigs have been jailed in Keighley


A Grooming gang who raped a 14-year-old girl and 'abused her systematically and repeatedly' over a two-year period have been jailed.


The woman was raped by multiple men in the Keighley area of West Yorkshire over a period between 2008 and 2009, when she was aged between 14 and 16.


The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said eight men were found guilty of 23 counts of rape and two of conspiracy to rape in two separate trials at Bradford Crown Court last year.




Edited by Jack Grey
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9 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

More of these disgusting racist pigs have been jailed in Keighley


A Grooming gang who raped a 14-year-old girl and 'abused her systematically and repeatedly' over a two-year period have been jailed.


The woman was raped by multiple men in the Keighley area of West Yorkshire over a period between 2008 and 2009, when she was aged between 14 and 16.


The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said eight men were found guilty of 23 counts of rape and two of conspiracy to rape in two separate trials at Bradford Crown Court last year.




Oh look another Labour controlled council.....

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