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Rotherham Cse In The News Again

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On 05/11/2021 at 22:43, top4718 said:

Typical lefty tactics, try to deflect instead of facing the real issue, like I said earlier if the full scale of abuse by Pakistani Muslim men on underage white girls ever comes to light (it probably won't) this country will change massively.

Heeeeeeere we go again.


I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of those who capitalised on the ethnicity of the offenders while doing zip about the survivors.


Even Sir Nige' visited Rovvrem to take advantage of the grooming scandal.  Where the hell is he now?  Still lodged up Trumpet's arse?

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36 minutes ago, The Joker said:

Heeeeeeere we go again.


I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of those who capitalised on the ethnicity of the offenders while doing zip about the survivors.


Even Sir Nige' visited Rovvrem to take advantage of the grooming scandal.  Where the hell is he now?  Still lodged up Trumpet's arse?

You might want to seek help for that obsession you have about Big Don. 

It seems quite unhealthy. 

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25 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

You might want to seek help for that obsession you have about Big Don. 

It seems quite unhealthy. 

You know, you could have just said "Sir Nige' is on GB News" and saved me the trouble of searching Youtube.


Why do you make things so difficult for yourself?  Try giving yourself a rest for a change.

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Revealed today that the council lied about the number of children at risk in Rotherham since 2017 (after lessons were supposed to have been learned following the Jay Report) they claimed it 665 when it was actually 1665, the cover up continues and when you consider Muslims make up only 3.7% of the population of Rotherham its a staggering number, but yeah middle aged white men are mostly the problem.

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3 hours ago, top4718 said:

Revealed today that the council lied about the number of children at risk in Rotherham since 2017 (after lessons were supposed to have been learned following the Jay Report) they claimed it 665 when it was actually 1665, the cover up continues and when you consider Muslims make up only 3.7% of the population of Rotherham its a staggering number, but yeah middle aged white men are mostly the problem.

Well said that man. Bravo!

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10 hours ago, top4718 said:

Revealed today that the council lied about the number of children at risk in Rotherham since 2017 (after lessons were supposed to have been learned following the Jay Report) they claimed it 665 when it was actually 1665, the cover up continues and when you consider Muslims make up only 3.7% of the population of Rotherham its a staggering number, but yeah middle aged white men are mostly the problem.



Please get the numbers right and try and quote GB News correctly. 

This is what GB News actually reported

636 "supported by staff" children between 2014 and 2020.

1665 risk assessments completed 2017 and 2021 to which GB News add "..may have been at risk, but not necessarily..".

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10 hours ago, top4718 said:

Revealed today that the council lied about the number of children at risk in Rotherham since 2017 (after lessons were supposed to have been learned following the Jay Report) they claimed it 665 when it was actually 1665, the cover up continues and when you consider Muslims make up only 3.7% of the population of Rotherham its a staggering number, but yeah middle aged white men are mostly the problem

That's an interpretation that reading GB News press release is hardly accurate 



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The statistics the apologists love to quote, purporting to show that white men are more of a threat to young women than Muslim men just reflect the scale of the cover up, going back decades as exposed by the Jay Report. If all those gangs had been investigated, arrested and logged from the start, the statistics would tell a very different story. A gang of 10 from Hull were prosecuted a year or 2 ago with one of their victims testifying she'd been forced to have sex with over 100 men, so it's clear the ones now being caught are just the tip of the iceberg.


The politicians have covered it up because they want to hide the consequences of their foolish immigration policies from the public, so they tell us we've been enriched whilst bringing in laws against 'hate speech' to muzzle anybody who dares to speak out. The apologists who try to deflect attention away from these grooming gangs by claiming white men are the biggest threat are as dangerous to women as the rapists themselves. Why do they think that it's Muslim women and not white western women who feel the need to swathe themselves from head to foot in baggy, unflattering clothing, hiding their hair and sometimes even their faces  in order to protect themselves? This dress code for women reflects the attitude of Muslim men towards women, considering them to be 2nd class citizens with western women being thought of with particular contempt because they don't dress modestly. Do they really think that the influx of thousands of young men with these attitudes into this country and the increasing number of assaults on women are just a coincidence? 


It isn't only this country where this is happening; its been going on in all the European countries who've welcomed the migrants with their politicians responding in the same way as ours-cover up and denial. With our government seemingly helpless to stop this invasion from across the Channel, the situation is only going to get worse.


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