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Rotherham Cse In The News Again

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10 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Absolutely, have you seen his Rape of Britain documentary?

No but i have watched an interview he did on YouTube last year


Im not gonna post the link here but if you search for 'TOMMY ROBINSON ON GROOMING INVESTIGATIONS'


Its a 10 minute clip and some of what he described is horrifying 

Edited by Jack Grey
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Guest sibon

If I could just interrupt the echo chamber for a minute.


I’d like to point out that Saint Tommy has a string of convictions for a variety of offences. 

He also spent a fair bit of his life hanging around with nonces.


He’s not much of a hero.

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9 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

No but i have watched an interview he did on YouTube last year


Im not gonna post the link here but if you search for 'TOMMY ROBINSON ON GROOMING INVESTIGATIONS'


Its a 10 minute clip and some of what he described is horrifying 

His Rape of Britain doc is excellent, provides evidence, names names, gives the people involved right to reply, protects one of the victims who was being threatened when she was giving evidence, its incendiary stuff and no one not even abuser apologists like the bloke above can argue with any of it. As for his allegations against Robinson this was the stuff that was put out to silence him and goons like this approve of it, you have to hope their own female relatives never get tied up in this vilest of crimes, listen to them squeal then when the police turn a blind eye.

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5 minutes ago, sibon said:

If I could just interrupt the echo chamber for a minute.


I’d like to point out that Saint Tommy has a string of convictions for a variety of offences. 

He also spent a fair bit of his life hanging around with nonces.


He’s not much of a hero.

I dont debate any of that....my point was that he part of the campaign to bring the scale of the abuses to the mainstream


And people like you would prefer that he be silenced than the truth to come out about an epidemic of the grooming and gang rape of children 

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3 minutes ago, sibon said:

If I could just interrupt the echo chamber for a minute.


I’d like to point out that Saint Tommy has a string of convictions for a variety of offences. 

He also spent a fair bit of his life hanging around with nonces.


He’s not much of a hero.

My bold.

No sibon. Its a thread about the grooming and rape of children that was covered up by authorities. You probably assume its an echo chamber because few on the forum feel its important enough to comment on and a few of the ones who do comment seem to feel it's OK to try and derail this thread for some reason. 

Mad eh?

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold.

No sibon. Its a thread about the grooming and rape of children that was covered up by authorities. You probably assume its an echo chamber because few on the forum feel its important enough to comment on and a few of the ones who do comment seem to feel it's OK to try and derail this thread for some reason. 

Mad eh?

I'll be honest, this is something I can't get my head round, they'd rather some of the vilest, degrading abuse ever committed on underage girls go without mention, an echo chamber eh, I couldn't bring myself to type such stuff, a friend of mine who lives in Rotherham has a neice that got drawn in by this scum, the complete destruction of not just the victim but the whole family unit makes you weep, the poice didn't want to know, some are happy for this to remain the case, I'm appalled.

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Guest sibon
2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold.

No sibon. Its a thread about the grooming and rape of children that was covered up by authorities. You probably assume its an echo chamber because few on the forum feel its important enough to comment on and a few of the ones who do comment seem to feel it's OK to try and derail this thread for some reason. 

Mad eh?

Absolutely not.


For a start, many, many more child rapes are carried out by other people. Most of them by white family members. 

The Muslim grooming gangs also need tackling. That’s beyond doubt. But Tommy TwoPercent isn’t bothered about that. He’s just pushing his own persona.


Don’t get suckered in to his narrative.  He’s a self publicising disgrace.

2 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I'll be honest, this is something I can't get my head round, they'd rather some of the vilest, degrading abuse ever committed on underage girls go without mention, an echo chamber eh, I couldn't bring myself to type such stuff, a friend of mine who lives in Rotherham has a neice that got drawn in by this scum, the complete destruction of not just the victim but the whole family unit makes you weep, the poice didn't want to know, some are happy for this to remain the case, I'm appalled.

You can’t get your head around much Tops.


Try looking at the facts. 

Have a read about who are the most prolific kiddie rapists.


Take a step back from this “crusade” that you’ve been on for years. Think about the victims for a moment, rather than your hatred of some of the perpetrators.


That’s a hatred that I share by the way. But I hate all child abusers. Regardless of their religion, or skin colour.


You seem to be happy to give a free pass to the 80% or so of white kiddie rapists. Why is that?

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12 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I dont debate any of that....my point was that he part of the campaign to bring the scale of the abuses to the mainstream


And people like you would prefer that he be silenced than the truth to come out about an epidemic of the grooming and gang rape of children 

I think people like Andrew Norfolk, the Times journalist, Sammy Woodhouse one of the victims who waived her right to anonymity, and Ann Cryer the former MP for Keighley deserve that honour.

IIRC it was Robinson's antics that nearly caused the collapse of a court case involving a grooming gang

Tommy Robinson: How close EDL founder came to causing collapse of Huddersfield grooming gang trial | The Independent | The Independent

Edited by Mister M
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Just now, sibon said:

Absolutely not.


For a start, many, many more child rapes are carried out by other people. Most of them by white family members. 

The Muslim grooming gangs also need tackling. That’s beyond doubt. But Tommy TwoPercent isn’t bothered about that. He’s just pushing his own persona.


Don’t get suckered in to his narrative.  He’s a self publicising disgrace.

As usual you havent taken in anything i have said....too blinded by your hatred of people on the right


All you want to do is attack and try and discredit individuals


Yes white people rape kids too but as youve mentioned its usually a family member who abuses a child


These animals were bringing mini buses full of men to rape these kids and in some cases fathers, sons and brothers were in the same room raping one child


Its people like you who were working for the institutions who ignored this and buried it under the carpet

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Guest sibon
12 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I dont debate any of that....my point was that he part of the campaign to bring the scale of the abuses to the mainstream


And people like you would prefer that he be silenced than the truth to come out about an epidemic of the grooming and gang rape of children 

I’d very much like all child abusers to have electrodes attached to their gonads and 240v applied on an hourly basis.


But that is all of them, not some of them.

1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

As usual you havent taken in anything i have said....too blinded by your hatred of people on the right


All you want to do is attack and try and discredit individuals


Yes white people rape kids too but as youve mentioned its usually a family member who abuses a child


These animals were bringing mini buses full of men to rape these kids and in some cases fathers, sons and brothers were in the same room raping one child


Its people like you who were working for the institutions who ignored this and buried it under the carpet

Is it ok for a dad to rape a daughter then?


You are weird.

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