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Rotherham Cse In The News Again

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14 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I won't argue with that however the scandles around the country have also happened in labour run councils.

I don't believe either labour or the conservatives really care. It won't matter who's in power as it seems most politicians are the same

In it for all they can get and screw the plebs.. We don't even matter.

Could you possibly imagine what would happen if a royals or an MP's or a major celebrities kiddie was abducted, trafficked and repeatedly raped? 

Would it be ignored and just shoved under the rug?


They did happen in Labour run councils, and that is a terrible stain.

I think one of the issues rarely mentioned, or perhaps it has been mentioned but has been drowned out by the noise about the ethnicity of the perpetrators, is the issue of the attitudes of many of the workers in front line services: like the police and social services. 

The children who were victims of these gangs were perceived as making a 'lifestyle choice', had consented to the abuse, the girls themselves 'were trouble', were prostitutes etc.

Now as far as I'm aware, no front line member of police or social services were ever sacked. I know that there was the Home Office Select Committee hearings into police and social services chiefs in the areas that these cases happened. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Their repuatations have rightly been trashed. 

However there are some good people in the police, social services, and charitable sector who did speak out, and IIRC it was these people who spoke to Andrew Norfolk of the Times when he was investigating child grooming gangs. 

Edited by Mister M
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1 minute ago, Mister M said:

They did happen in Labour run councils, and that is a terrible stain.

I think one of the issues rarely mentioned, or perhaps it has been mentioned but has been drowned out by the noise about the ethnicity of the perpetrators, is the issue of the attitudes of many of the workers in front line services: like the police and social services. 

The children who were victims of these gangs were perceived as making a 'lifestyle choice', had consented to the abuse, the girls themselves 'were trouble'. 

Now as far as I'm aware, no front line member of police or social services were ever sacked. I know that there was the Home Office Select Committee hearings into police and social services chiefs in the areas that these cases happened. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Their repuatations have rightly been trashed. 

However there are some good people in the police, social services, and charitable sector who did speak out, and IIRC it was these people who spoke to Andrew Norfolk of the Times when he was investigating child grooming gangs. 

This is true. But what did it change? Nothing because its still happening on a massive scale. As I said if it happened to an 'important' persons child the reaction would be different. Something would be done and people who enabled it by turning a blind eye would be dealt with.

It's a class thing.....

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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

This is true. But what did it change? Nothing because its still happening on a massive scale. As I said if it happened to an 'important' persons child the reaction would be different. Something would be done and people who enabled it by turning a blind eye would be dealt with.

It's a class thing.....

I don't think it's entirely true to say that nothing changed.

I think that in the last 10 years or so there have been a number of police operations which have successfully uncovered grooming gangs. Nobody can know whether these would've happened had the scandal of Rotherham and Rochdale not been reported on, however those reports certainly put pressure on the police to change their procedures.

Edited by Mister M
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8 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I don't think it's entirely true to say that nothing changed.

I think that in the last 10 years or so there have been a number of police operations which have successfully uncovered grooming gangs. Nobody can know whether these would've happened had the scandal of Rotherham and Rochdale not been reported on, however those reports certainly put pressure on the police to change their procedures.

They have but they've hardly scratched the surface.

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7 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I don't think it's entirely true to say that nothing changed.

I think that in the last 10 years or so there have been a number of police operations which have successfully uncovered grooming gangs. Nobody can know whether these would've happened had the scandal of Rotherham and Rochdale not been reported on, however those reports certainly put pressure on the police to change their procedures.

OK, I'll rephrase it. It's still happening on a massive scale and aside from a few token prosecutions nothing has changed. 

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Guest ThaBoom
6 hours ago, top4718 said:

To be fair a hell of a lot of abuse has happened under the noses and in the knowledge of Labour run councils.

They are but some have had in the past protection from prosecution because of their background.

Well, given that we now know how much corruption runs through the Met and with some police themselves involved with sex crimes- that isn't a surprise.


However, labelling groups by specifically using terms like 'Pakistani men' isn't helpful. It only creates tension and hatred.


There are a number of reports (if researched), that still point that pedophilia is more prevalent amongst the white community.

But its wrong to label all white people or bring up their background / faith etc.



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6 hours ago, ThaBoom said:

Well, given that we now know how much corruption runs through the Met and with some police themselves involved with sex crimes- that isn't a surprise.


However, labelling groups by specifically using terms like 'Pakistani men' isn't helpful. It only creates tension and hatred.


There are a number of reports (if researched), that still point that pedophilia is more prevalent amongst the white community.

But its wrong to label all white people or bring up their background / faith etc.



These Pakistani gangs specifically targeted young white girls...........They're the racists


If it was white men raping Pakistani girls then the muslim community would unite and come together in unified outrage and you guys would support them


There would be riots on the streets of places like Rochdale and Bradford


So whats wrong with white British people being outraged that Pakistani muslim men, many of them not british citizens are raping our girls?

Edited by Jack Grey
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5 hours ago, ThaBoom said:

Well, given that we now know how much corruption runs through the Met and with some police themselves involved with sex crimes- that isn't a surprise.


However, labelling groups by specifically using terms like 'Pakistani men' isn't helpful. It only creates tension and hatred.


There are a number of reports (if researched), that still point that pedophilia is more prevalent amongst the white community.

But its wrong to label all white people or bring up their background / faith etc.



Labelling them Pakistani men is done because they are the worst offenders, it needs to be said if we are ever going to see an end to this issue.


The only report that stated the above was one released by the Home Office that was never published in full and even stated that in many cases the ethnicity of the offenders wasn't known, its another part of the cover up, remember also this country is 84% white, I'd assume if you look at the offending rates in Nigeria most crimes will be committed by black people.



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