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Rotherham Cse In The News Again

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12 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The discussion in the video was about girls getting raped in Rotherham but its irrelevant to you because of political affiliations 


Your ilk really are tiresome but luckily your days are numbered because people have had enough of your nonsense


Common sense is coming back


And pedophile apologists like you will be exposed and people will go to jail for their failure to protect these girls 

Is the the common sense that you want back?



I’d generally consider that fighting talk but I’m in a very charitable mood this morning as I’m just off to help my elderly neighbor on his allotment.

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22 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

Is the the common sense that you want back?



I’d generally consider that fighting talk but I’m in a very charitable mood this morning as I’m just off to help my elderly neighbor on his allotment.

Am i meant to change my anger at thousands of children being raped because you post a story about one incident?


Why are you even in this thread posting counter arguments to these horrific crimes?


Its not a good look

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13 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Incase anyone hasn't Suella Bravermans comments.





Facts,  numbers, and figures would help.


Syed Nabeel Hassan
we Pakistanis are biggest investors in uk our honorable ex prime minister nawaz sharif has invested all of our tax money in your country you should be grateful
305Separate issue,  it doesn't let abusers free to molest innocent children.
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On 08/04/2023 at 21:44, Mister Gee said:

I don’t take that news channel seriously and I don’t work for Rotherham council

If whats being shown is fact is doesn't really matter where it's being aired, it's almost like you want to avoid the truth, why would that be?

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Guest ThaBoom
On 09/04/2023 at 22:49, top4718 said:

If whats being shown is fact is doesn't really matter where it's being aired, it's almost like you want to avoid the truth, why would that be?

Truth is,  even the Home Office study points out that the sexual exploitation and pedophilelia is common amongst white people.


But saying that,  it needs to be routed out wherever its happening and whoever it's done by- it should never be held back just because some perpetrators happen to be of a different colour.



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8 minutes ago, ThaBoom said:

Truth is,  even the Home Office study points out that the sexual exploitation and pedophilelia is common amongst white people.


But saying that,  it needs to be routed out wherever its happening and whoever it's done by- it should never be held back just because some perpetrators happen to be of a different colour.



The main issues with these constant attempts at deflecting away from the Pakistani rape gangs are: 

1. Racism within our authorities - They CHOSE to ignore it, they CHOSE to not investigate it for fear of "rocking the multicultural boat" (link)
2. Scale and organisation - Whilst you cannot deny that there are crimes of this nature perpetrated by ethnicities other than Pakistanis, the shear scale and industrial organisation puts this way beyond that. 

And yes, before anyone tries arguing against the racism angle. Choosing to do NOTHING because of someone's ethnicity is just as racist as choosing to do SOMETHING.

I 100% back Braverman's decision to bring it back to the forefront of our news cycles. It's still happening today and our authorities are still doing very little. I am of the personal belief that even in the face of the convictions already secured those were just the tip of a much larger iceberg & that those convicted, where suddenly there was evidence to prosecute them, were offered up as sacraficies. 

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