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Rotherham Cse In The News Again

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3 hours ago, boyfriday said:

..and herein lies the problem, any attempts to conduct a grown up conversation are thwarted by individuals who have a vested interest in promoting their own hate agenda (you're perfectly entitled to be a racist if you want to be btw), rather than any genuine interest in the victims of CSE.


In the minds of these people the abusers being Muslim is the significant feature, it somehow aggravates the offence. I doubt the victims of abuse regard white perpetrators any better or worse than Muslim ones. 



....and any chance to talk about what is a huge problem is shut down by someone wading in with the R word, they very reason why this has gone on for so long and is still happening.

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3 hours ago, top4718 said:

....and any chance to talk about what is a huge problem is shut down by someone wading in with the R word, they very reason why this has gone on for so long and is still happening.

Exactly this. This will run and run until (and beyond) such time (thankfully I'll be dead) when even more young girls have been "ravished" by these depraved sex-starved savages.

Edited by Martin C
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14 hours ago, boyfriday said:

..and herein lies the problem, any attempts to conduct a grown up conversation are thwarted by individuals who have a vested interest in promoting their own hate agenda (you're perfectly entitled to be a racist if you want to be btw), rather than any genuine interest in the victims of CSE.


In the minds of these people the abusers being Muslim is the significant feature, it somehow aggravates the offence. I doubt the victims of abuse regard white perpetrators any better or worse than Muslim ones. 



I didn't realise Islam was a race, I always thought it was a faith so thanks for enlightening me. Where is this country called Islam? I've looked for it in my atlas but can't find it anywhere. It's laughable that you claim to want a serious debate about this issue whilst playing the race card, which is a sure fire way of stifling debate by shutting people up. Playing the race card to stifle debate about a group of men who targeted white girls is also a little ironic.


I'm happy to admit I dislike Islam intensely as I think it's a backward, medieval religion which encompasses values and attitudes that are totally incompatible with our own western values, especially the attitude towards women who are considered to be 2nd class citizens. It operates by brainwashing people from birth then intimidating them throughout their lives to ensure they keep the faith. We're now seeing the same climate of fear of fear spreading in this country as is the norm in their own countries but if you feel enriched by that, good for you.


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23 hours ago, top4718 said:

Good to see you agree it goes on everywhere. I think the Jay report actually proved how good Labour were at hiding/ignoring it.

I never claimed it didn't.  Child sexual exploitation doesn't respect any religious, political or national boundaries, even if some think it stops at the constituency border.



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26 minutes ago, The Joker said:

I never claimed it didn't.  Child sexual exploitation doesn't respect any religious, political or national boundaries, even if some think it stops at the constituency border.



To be honest which of the two clueless main parties is most responsible for covering this up isn't the debate, its getting it out there that this is very serious and large scale problem that is.

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