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Rotherham Cse In The News Again

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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

If I wasn't alive to the risks of confirmation bias, I'd be seriously worried about Rotherham https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-68257345

Oldham was arrested on 8 November 2022 and pleaded guilty to two counts of assault on a female aged 13 and over (but under 16).


A further charge of sexual assault on a female will lie on file.


My bold 

Why will it lie on file?

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4 hours ago, Delbow said:

If I wasn't alive to the risks of confirmation bias, I'd be seriously worried about Rotherham https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-68257345

Make excuses for a large percentage of the Pakistani community of Rotherham who were involved in the abuse of over 2000 underage girls but highlight one white man.


You lefties are very sick people indeed.

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1 hour ago, Top4719 said:

Make excuses for a large percentage of the Pakistani community of Rotherham who were involved in the abuse of over 2000 underage girls but highlight one white man.


You lefties are very sick people indeed.

No ones making excuses and it is accepted that it was mostly Pakistani men that were involved but what gets me is how come the race of the ones in authority who turned a blind eye is not being highlighted?

I don’t buy the scared of being branded racist excuse and if the people in authority had done their jobs properly then maybe the situation may not have been allowed to carry on for so long. 
Also the hostels where some of these girls were staying locked them out if they didn’t return by 11pm I think according to a programme I watched so why havnt any of them got done for putting the girls at risk?

The whole scenario is a bit more complicated then just focusing on the ethnicity of the sexual offenders and by no means am I trying to fownplay or make excuses for any of them.

In my opinion more of the people in authority who turned a blind eye need locking up as well.

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3 minutes ago, mafya said:

No ones making excuses and it is accepted that it was mostly Pakistani men that were involved but what gets me is how come the race of the ones in authority who turned a blind eye is not being highlighted?

I don’t buy the scared of being branded racist excuse and if the people in authority had done their jobs properly then maybe the situation may not have been allowed to carry on for so long. 
Also the hostels where some of these girls were staying locked them out if they didn’t return by 11pm I think according to a programme I watched so why havnt any of them got done for putting the girls at risk?

The whole scenario is a bit more complicated then just focusing on the ethnicity of the sexual offenders and by no means am I trying to fownplay or make excuses for any of them.

In my opinion more of the people in authority who turned a blind eye need locking up as well.

All the services, the police, social workers, councilors. MPs, teachers, medical professionals, youth workers all neglected their duties and allowed these girls to be abused by these gangs of Pakistani Muslum men. To me they are all just as guilty. 

Having said that if these Pakistani Muslim men weren't such vile disgusting racist rapists (yes racist) then these mainly white cowards in positions of authority and influence would have had nothing to turn a blind eye to. 

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

All the services, the police, social workers, councilors. MPs, teachers, medical professionals, youth workers all neglected their duties and allowed these girls to be abused by these gangs of Pakistani Muslum men. To me they are all just as guilty. 

Having said that if these Pakistani Muslim men weren't such vile disgusting racist rapists (yes racist) then these mainly white cowards in positions of authority and influence would have had nothing to turn a blind eye to. 

Didn't see it till I couldn't edit it.

Muslim, not Muslum🤣

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

All the services, the police, social workers, councilors. MPs, teachers, medical professionals, youth workers all neglected their duties and allowed these girls to be abused by these gangs of Pakistani Muslum men. To me they are all just as guilty. 

Having said that if these Pakistani Muslim men weren't such vile disgusting racist rapists (yes racist) then these mainly white cowards in positions of authority and influence would have had nothing to turn a blind eye to. 

It goes deeper than that, why as a society do we leave young girls at such a low ebb and alone that they have to find themselves looking around places like buses, taxis and takeaways, failing them massively 

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These predators know that all young people crave attention and to be told they fit in and they used it at a misogynistic level never seen before.


Yes all the authorities and services are so overstretched and underfunded that they could be called not fit for purpose. Neglect is rife in all departments and they all know it but can't do anything about it.
We've all seen what happens to whistle blowers and so they do the best they can under the extreme pressures from upper management and the pressure they put themselves under until they burn out under the work load.
It's a crumbling system and its no better now as the case loads are increasing but not inline with supposed extra funding and staffing if there is any.


Police forces have had to push for a multicultural and diverse workforce and has exposed them to the same weakness as every other business with racial tensions and accusations from "minorities" saying they are being bullied when it is them being the bitches and barstools.

These so called minorities are no push overs, they are hardened liers who know their rights and overly sensitive to critisism so they act with emotional behaviour which forces those around them to act spontaneuosly &  irrationally when looking back.  No one wants to be told they are racist which I can imagine happens every time a "minority" is questioned or criticised.

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