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Rotherham Cse In The News Again

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Even more arrested in Kirklees, that’s over 70 in a couple of weeks and people still try to claim this isn’t a problem:




Apologies for the link to The Sun btw but at least they’re running the story.

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9 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Even more arrested in Kirklees, that’s over 70 in a couple of weeks and people still try to claim this isn’t a problem:




Apologies for the link to The Sun btw but at least they’re running the story.

Presumably little girls are disposable and not worthy of protection from these animals. 

Sick beyond words. 

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It’s not Islam behind this it’s Pakistani men. Not Chinese men, not Polish men, not Jamaican men. There are clearly well established links between these groups in different towns as evidenced by the victims of these scumbags. Takeaways and taxis are ideal cover for these operations as well as drug dealing, money laundering and tax evasion. However in my opinion the problem runs deeper than this. The routine use of terms like white wh—re or white s—g tells me that these people like living in our cushy country but despise white British culture. They delight in degrading our daughters because they are getting away with attacking all of us. Our overly woke, politically correct system actually encourages them. Every social worker or copper that has used the term “lifestyle choices “ needs a massive kick up the arse. How can a girl who is being abused and having her family threatened with death be making any choices? What we should be doing is treating these vile men like the parasitic fifth columnists they actually are. Proper jail time, assets seized and sold to compensate their victims and instant deportation the instant they get out of prison. Not holding my breath though.

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1 hour ago, Jim117 said:

It’s not Islam behind this it’s Pakistani men. Not Chinese men, not Polish men, not Jamaican men. There are clearly well established links between these groups in different towns as evidenced by the victims of these scumbags. Takeaways and taxis are ideal cover for these operations as well as drug dealing, money laundering and tax evasion. However in my opinion the problem runs deeper than this. The routine use of terms like white wh—re or white s—g tells me that these people like living in our cushy country but despise white British culture. They delight in degrading our daughters because they are getting away with attacking all of us. Our overly woke, politically correct system actually encourages them. Every social worker or copper that has used the term “lifestyle choices “ needs a massive kick up the arse. How can a girl who is being abused and having her family threatened with death be making any choices? What we should be doing is treating these vile men like the parasitic fifth columnists they actually are. Proper jail time, assets seized and sold to compensate their victims and instant deportation the instant they get out of prison. Not holding my breath though.

What amazes me is the amount of money, properties and businesses these vile individuals seem to have despite many only being in their 20's when they are abusing, its definitely not hard work that's got them these things.

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On 06/12/2021 at 22:01, top4718 said:

What amazes me is the amount of money, properties and businesses these vile individuals seem to have despite many only being in their 20's when they are abusing, its definitely not hard work that's got them these things.

When the abusers are charged do they also let us know how money, properties and businesses they own?

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