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Has Doctor Who Gone Past Its Sell By Date ?


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11 hours ago, metalman said:

Well it was as dire as I expected: all the usual faults (no plot, lots of running around) with lots of added wokery. 

I didn't watch, because I'm still playing catch-up with previous episodes, but I don't mind a few spoilers with this one so I had a look on Twitter. 


Two main camps: younglings and older but giddier fans absolutely losing their minds about Rose, pronouns and non-binary pronouncements, and worshipping RTD as their new god; and significantly fewer apparently older and less giddy fans being a bit meh about the plot (I see what the reviews meant about a twist you can spot a galaxy away) and being annoyed that RTD has dialled up the wokery to 11 when they thought that with Jodie and Chibnall gone it would be all aboard the old school train to 2006. 


If anyone's really surprised that RTD took the show in the direction he has they haven't been paying attention to who he is, what he's done since he left the show, and what's happening in the demographic the show's really aimed at.

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Great start.

The Doctor trying to avoid Donna because if she remembers him she'll die.

Spacecraft crashing out of control in flames - what's not to like ?

Spoiler alert.


It's pilot's a furry animal.


Get a grip people, there is no such things as aliens (controversial 😶) 'we are it' & if we aren't, furry animals (even with  big teeth) capable of traversing galaxy's will never be a believable.

I shan't get into the whole non binary thing other than it's to be expected.


Keep safe out there, it can only get worse 🐶


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