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Liverpool Terrorist Attack

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21 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I don't believe it's racist being concerned about terrorists arriving in our country from Muslim countries and seeking asylum.  It's only good fortune that the Liverpool terrorist attack didn't cause the same carnage and loss of life as the Manchester Muslim terrorist attack caused.



Whose ganging up on the innocent?  Decent honest normal people in our country are rightly worried and concerned  about the threat of terrorism from Muslims seeking asylum in our country and have good reason to be after the incident in Liverpool.


Will just add when Thomas Hamilton murdered seventeen innocent people of which sixteen were children with a firearm the law was changed meaning innocent law abiding gun owners were to use your words "ganged up on" 


It's not at all warped or extremist to support actions intended to prevent terrorist attacks or other incidents of mass murder on British soil.  

oh give over, youve spent years on here showing you hate muslims in general, not terrorists or peadophiles

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1 minute ago, West 77 said:


I have a problem with Muslim terrorists.

Not all terrorists? 

Just Muslim ones? 

Is it cos they are brown, eat strange food and smell funny? 


I don't call many people racist but you quite clearly are. Pathetic really. 

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9 hours ago, top4718 said:

He converted to Christianity to avoid deportation, he's a Muslim through and through.

He was a Christian at the time of his death, regardless if he converted for other reasons.

There is a guardian piece showing him in a church with the Bishop who baptised him.


Clearly the Bishop had no idea and says this fella "chose a different path". He didn't uphold the good Christian values.


The same goes for any terrorist,  no matter what religion they claim to be.


It's just a shame some ppl just want to dig more when it's a brown coloured bomber/ terrorist,  who was supposedly a 'Muslim'.


People like West77 probably still wishes Anders Breivik was brown and Islamist.

9 hours ago, top4718 said:

He converted to Christianity to avoid deportation, he's a Muslim through and through.

He was a Christian at the time of his death, regardless if he converted for other reasons.

There is a guardian piece showing him in a church with the Bishop who baptised him.


Clearly the Bishop had no idea and says this fella "chose a different path". He didn't uphold the good Christian values.


The same goes for any terrorist,  no matter what religion they claim to be.


It's just a shame some ppl just want to dig more when it's a brown coloured bomber/ terrorist,  who was supposedly a 'Muslim'.


People like West77 probably still wishes Anders Breivik was brown and Islamist.

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1 minute ago, West 77 said:

And you're the one who is implying Muslims eat strange food and smell funny. 


Very strange behaviour from someone calling another  poster racist.




Poor attempt at disguising your bigoted views. 

I'd say that's a 1/10

Do try harder 

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2 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Excellent. Now my views are bigoted as well as racist.  You forgot to mention I'm a potential racist as was alleged by another confused poster earlier on this thread.

You aren't a potential racist. 

You ARE a racist. 


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7 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Excellent. Now my views are bigoted as well as racist.  You forgot to mention I'm a potential racist as was alleged by another confused poster earlier on this thread.

Just ignore them. This is how people on the left try to hijack conversations and stop debate by calling people names.


They try to divert attention away from the real issues by using buzz words like Islamophobic, racist, sexist, transphobic, xenophobic etc etc etc


To their credit that has been working but the fight back against the woke has begun and its time for the adults to take charge again



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Just now, Jack Grey said:

Just ignore them. This is how people on the left try to hijack conversations and stop debate by calling people names.






I've never been anywhere near the left. I just don't like racists like West 77 clearly is. 

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