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Liverpool Terrorist Attack

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19 minutes ago, melthebell said:

I see you changed your whole post from what you originally put.

As for the bomber, ive said before, most are petty criminals, have previous drug issues, mental health issues and some cases looking for something, a cause to belong

I didn't know liverpool was a city of one racial group, I didn't know the hospital only treated white people

I did delete my initial post as it was not constructive.


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13 minutes ago, melthebell said:

I see you changed your whole post from what you originally put.

As for the bomber, ive said before, most are petty criminals, have previous drug issues, mental health issues and some cases looking for something, a cause to belong


I didn't know liverpool was a city of one racial group, I didn't know the hospital only treated white people

We in the UK are one big 'culture' so an attack on that culture is a racial attack.

My very point was exactly that, the one who blew himself up didn't much care what colour the people in the hospital were going to be.

The attack's are nearly always on our way of life.

Did I mention anything to do with 'White'?


1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

Where did you get that definition?


Anyone can be a victim of racism.....its not typically a 'minority or a marginalised' group

Exactly my point Grey.

Plucked it off the internet and it worried me as well,

looked like an add on to placate the PC brigade.


Keep safe 8)



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1 minute ago, Rockers rule said:

We in the UK are one big 'culture' so an attack on that culture is a racial attack.

My very point was exactly that, the one who blew himself up didn't much care what colour the people in the hospital were going to be.

The attack's are nearly always on our way of life.

Did I mention anything to do with 'White'?


Exactly my point Grey.

Plucked it off the internet and it worried me as well,

looked like an add on to placate the PC brigade.


Keep safe 8)



Complete and utter nonsense

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

Where did you get that definition?


Anyone can be a victim of racism.....its not typically a 'minority or a marginalised' group

Have you been refused a job, service or anything because of your ethnicity in this country? Is that something that happens to white people alot in this country?

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5 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I'll just let you know outright because it seems that you've been here a long time that i dont respond to people who call me names, accuse me of having a fake profile or being a bot or a troll or any of the things that people use to shut down debate.


If you want an free open discussion without resorting to petty insults then i'll engage with you 👍

I've noticed the same.  For some people on this forum - especially it would seem those of the 'liberal/left' persuasion, it would seem that attacking the author of a post comes more naturally than attempting to counter his or her statement.

2 hours ago, melthebell said:

As for the bomber, ive said before, most are petty criminals,

Is blowing up innocent members of the public 'petty crime'?

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35 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Actually white people have lost out on getting jobs as a consequence of what they call positive discrimination.

More or less than ethnic minorities do you think?

56 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Are you talking from personal experience ?

No, I'm a white man. I'm not and never have been, been held back from anything. I'm not going to get stopped and searched, I won't feel threatened on a dark street - go anywhere, do what I like. Its great!

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