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Liverpool Terrorist Attack

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As someone slightly Right leaning, I think a lot of the anger about this event from Right leaning citizens is not so much the ethnicity of the perpetrator, but rather the fact that the guy had his application refused, was never subsequently deported and repaid the society that tried to help him by attempting to murder it's citizens.


I also  don't actually believe that there is much genuine racism among Right leaning people in the UK and that what is perceived to be racism by the Left, is actually more of a concern about the sheer lack of control of UK borders and the 22000 people who have basically forced their way into the country this year alone.

These 22000 people are not refugees...they are illegal economic migrants looking to drop into the UK shadow economy...where there are no eligibility checks on work or use of public services.

If people had useful skills and applied for a better life through the proper legal channels, got accepted and worked and paid their taxes, then it would take the heat out of the issue.


With the way things are going, general popular support for funding the NHS and the rest of the Welfare State will only decrease and eventually those services will wither.


I don't see why the Left don't understand that the very existence of the UK NHS and Welfare State is at risk...unless some control is put in place on the sheer numbers of people forcing their way into this country.

I know racism is something people on the Left feel very strongly about and in some cases has negatively affected their lives...but many, many UK taxpayers on both the Left and the Right are now questioning why they should support a welfare state so clearly abused by people who have forced their way into this country.


It is just not fair on people who fund the system and people who have contributed to it and have a genuine right to use it's services...if others simply abuse it having not contributed to it.

I personally think that such abuse will destroy the current system and force a partial insurance model in future years...all because people could not have a sensible discussion about immigration and it's positive and negative effects on society.


And before you call me an Islamophobe for saying any of this, I have no problem with true Islam (as opposed to political Islam).
I have seen true Islam in it's purest form in rural Turkey when I knocked at the door of a farmhouse asking if I could camp on their land and was welcomed (and fed) like a long lost son.
I just have a real problem (like I suspect the vast majority of this country do) with people taking the **** with the Welfare State our grandparents struggled to create.

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20 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

More or less than ethnic minorities do you think?

No, I'm a white man. I'm not and never have been, been held back from anything. I'm not going to get stopped and searched, I won't feel threatened on a dark street - go anywhere, do what I like. Its great!

You do not know if you were held back from anything.

Many white people get stopped and searched.

Feeling frightened at times is a natural instinct.

Would you go in an Owls supporters pub in a Blades shirt ?


Long ago I learnt there are 2 types of people regardless of colour, race, religion and that is sociable and antisocial.

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31 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

You do not know if you were held back from anything.

Many white people get stopped and searched.

Feeling frightened at times is a natural instinct.

Would you go in an Owls supporters pub in a Blades shirt ?


Long ago I learnt there are 2 types of people regardless of colour, race, religion and that is sociable and antisocial.

As a percentage,  are white people more or less likely to be stopped searched than ethnic minorities?

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19 minutes ago, West 77 said:

There are laws to protect ethnic minorities from discrimination but there are no laws to protect white people from being victims of positive discrimination.  I personally don't know any ethnic minorities who have suffered discrimination but I know a white man who didn't get a management job at the council because he told the people interviewing him he didn't agree with positive discrimination.

I'd have researched the possible consequences to that answer before the interview.

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38 minutes ago, crazyhorse said:

As someone slightly Right leaning, I think a lot of the anger about this event from Right leaning citizens is not so much the ethnicity of the perpetrator, but rather the fact that the guy had his application refused, was never subsequently deported and repaid the society that tried to help him by attempting to murder it's citizens.


I also  don't actually believe that there is much genuine racism among Right leaning people in the UK and that what is perceived to be racism by the Left, is actually more of a concern about the sheer lack of control of UK borders and the 22000 people who have basically forced their way into the country this year alone.

These 22000 people are not refugees...they are illegal economic migrants looking to drop into the UK shadow economy...where there are no eligibility checks on work or use of public services.

If people had useful skills and applied for a better life through the proper legal channels, got accepted and worked and paid their taxes, then it would take the heat out of the issue.


With the way things are going, general popular support for funding the NHS and the rest of the Welfare State will only decrease and eventually those services will wither.


I don't see why the Left don't understand that the very existence of the UK NHS and Welfare State is at risk...unless some control is put in place on the sheer numbers of people forcing their way into this country.

I know racism is something people on the Left feel very strongly about and in some cases has negatively affected their lives...but many, many UK taxpayers on both the Left and the Right are now questioning why they should support a welfare state so clearly abused by people who have forced their way into this country.


It is just not fair on people who fund the system and people who have contributed to it and have a genuine right to use it's services...if others simply abuse it having not contributed to it.

I personally think that such abuse will destroy the current system and force a partial insurance model in future years...all because people could not have a sensible discussion about immigration and it's positive and negative effects on society.


And before you call me an Islamophobe for saying any of this, I have no problem with true Islam (as opposed to political Islam).
I have seen true Islam in it's purest form in rural Turkey when I knocked at the door of a farmhouse asking if I could camp on their land and was welcomed (and fed) like a long lost son.
I just have a real problem (like I suspect the vast majority of this country do) with people taking the **** with the Welfare State our grandparents struggled to create.

The welfare state is at risk from Conservative governments. End of. Asylum seekers granted leave to stay can contribute - some work for the NHS.


You raise a valid point on his repeated refusal of asylum. He's either granted or not - he's either in or not, it doesn't need that many appeals. I'd go as far as to suggest him being in limbo for 7 years didn't do anyone any good and might have been a motivation for the attack.

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12 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

As a percentage,  are white people more or less likely to be stopped searched than ethnic minorities?

I don't have the stats but would think the number of stop and searches are a result of descriptions of wanted people or the percentage of people that live in a certain area where the searches are carried out.

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3 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Have you been refused a job, service or anything because of your ethnicity in this country? Is that something that happens to white people alot in this country?

First of all, the message that the UK is institutionally racist is absolute BS. It a narrative pushed by the left.


When was the last time you went to an authentic Indian restaurant and your waiter wasn't Indian......for me never


Also, try and be a white man who wants to marry a Muslim girl from a traditional Muslim family and then you'll see real racism.


In fact, conservative Muslims have some very draconian views on the LGBTQ community and women rights.


Which is why i have never understood why people on the left want to welcome the thousands of men from the middle east with open arms.


Seems like a massive contradiction to me


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