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Social Media - Boon Or Blight. ?

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I wonder how many 'celebrities', politicos, sportspeople and similar wish they had never, ever,  posted on social media - period.  How were they to know that the funny remark they made a dozen years ago would be pulled out and inserted into today's polemics thus making them look foolish, or indeed quasi-criminal.


For myself, I have never joined  Facebook, Twitter or similar . I  may have missed out, but at least I sleep well......  For those that are users - are you happy with your choice? 

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I have accounts on both platforms, but only because a couple of my younger friends always communicate via FB, so it is the only way to keep track of them. The Twitter account is only to get travel updates quickly, and I only registered to get rid of the constant 'Register now' nag-screens. I only post on FB to the youngsters - usually to tell them to let me know when they are available for a phone call.

Otherwise, these blights on intelligent communication are avoided like the plague they are.

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47 minutes ago, Cyclecar said:

I wonder how many 'celebrities', politicos, sportspeople and similar wish they had never, ever,  posted on social media - period.  How were they to know that the funny remark they made a dozen years ago would be pulled out and inserted into today's polemics thus making them look foolish, or indeed quasi-criminal.


For myself, I have never joined  Facebook, Twitter or similar . I  may have missed out, but at least I sleep well......  For those that are users - are you happy with your choice? 

Hmmm... :huh:


... I never thought of that! :suspect:


The way the world is changing at the moment, it won't be too long before having a sense of humour is legally categorised as being in possession of an offensive weapon. :roll:


So, in the unlikely event that one day I'll become 'famous' beyond the corridors of SF, I'd just like to take this opportunity to place on record an apology to anyone I may have inadvertently made giggle against their will. :hihi:


I do hope that I don't get a visit from the fun police...

... whatever will the neighbours think? :(

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1 hour ago, Cyclecar said:

For myself, I have never joined  Facebook, Twitter or similar . I  may have missed out, but at least I sleep well......  For those that are users - are you happy with your choice? 

Going online is addictive, even this forum  :)  is that a choice?


Is it the quiet people with time on their hands that go online? I have always been rather carefull with my choice of words, although some people dont like my views on gay marriage, its like we are not allowed an opinion.

A UKIP candidate that uses facebook that I know deleted his account before declaring that he was a candidate, but these days people take screen shots.

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37 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

It's just become an extension of real life. Just like with real life it's what you make of it and where you chose to place your attention that determines your experience; if you're looking for trouble - you'll get it.

Exactly.  The majority of groups I have on Facebook are related to hobbies and the discussion of such.



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I used to think social media was a marvellous way of bringing people together and sharing life's experiences. 

I still think that to a certain extent if used sensibly and responsibly. But unfortunately we see that not all people are sensible and responsible.... It can put a lot of pressure on, especially the young.

However there's always the 'off' button. Nobody is forced to use it, (or are they?) But on the whole I think it's a good thing.

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1 hour ago, HumbleNarrator said:

It's just become an extension of real life. Just like with real life it's what you make of it and where you chose to place your attention that determines your experience; if you're looking for trouble - you'll get it.

Some people chat with strangers, not something I do often. Chatting to other people whilst you are on your own, at home.

I have a ex-girlfriend that still likes to chat on a weekly basis. I must be a people person, because I would like to chat in the flesh.

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12 minutes ago, El Cid said:

Some people chat with strangers, not something I do often. Chatting to other people whilst you are on your own, at home.

I have a ex-girlfriend that still likes to chat on a weekly basis. I must be a people person, because I would like to chat in the flesh.

Hmmm... :huh:

... I'm guessing that maybe that's why she's an ex-girlfriend? :hihi:

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2 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:


... I never thought of that! :suspect:


The way the world is changing at the moment, it won't be too long before having a sense of humour is legally categorised as being in possession of an offensive weapon. :roll:


So, in the unlikely event that one day I'll become 'famous' beyond the corridors of SF, I'd just like to take this opportunity to place on record an apology to anyone I may have inadvertently made giggle against their will. :hihi:


I do hope that I don't get a visit from the fun police...

... whatever will the neighbours think? :(

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:.

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