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Grand Theft Auto - the Sheffield edition.

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Dear Jim,


May I thank you for the opportunity to play test “Grand Theft Auto – Sheffield City of Steel” and submit my observations below.


The overall look of the game is very good, you’ve caught the moody atmosphere and some of the other touches were class, I particularly liked the sunlight glinting on the broken bus shelter glass and the “windscreen blurring effect” when you hit a pothole, my only reservation is that the rumble pad activates every time you hit a bump so your potential customers will quickly wear out their rumble pads and I would not rule out litigation involving “vibration white finger” in future years.


I envisage that some players may become frustrated by the proliferation of traffic lights, one way systems and bus lanes that they give up early and try simply walking around the landscape, may I suggest the “rude bus driver” scenario needs attention if you do not wish the game to have an 18 certificate.


The “Hillsborough Corner” level is far too difficult, WHAT ON EARTH were the programmers thinking? You need a whole new set of physics to get to where you want to go.


So overall I’d say “Well done” -100% accurate so far!


The bad bits : the game lacks cones -on the West Bar level I only counted 12,699 traffic cones, surely you don’t expect this to be an accurate representation of the area? I’m aware there are graphic card issues with creating so many objects but surely the other 27,821 cones could be represented somehow? - you need more cranes on the skyline too.


I was disappointed with the City Centre level, some flaws included not enough beggars, finding a parking space, and you could actually drive through the centre! TOTALLY UNREALISTIC!


I’ve put a copy of this letter on the Sheffield Forum and any feedback I receive from them I will pass on to you. If there is any chance that you could incorporate a red Subaru Impreza with the word “Crunchie” on the side into the game I know it would make a lot of them very happy.


Yours Faithfully,



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Dear Jim,


May I thank you for the opportunity to play test “Grand Theft Auto – Sheffield City of Steel” and submit my observations below.


The overall look of the game is very good, you’ve caught the moody atmosphere and some of the other touches were class, I particularly liked the sunlight glinting on the broken bus shelter glass and the “windscreen blurring effect” when you hit a pothole, my only reservation is that the rumble pad activates every time you hit a bump so your potential customers will quickly wear out their rumble pads and I would not rule out litigation involving “vibration white finger” in future years.


I envisage that some players may become frustrated by the proliferation of traffic lights, one way systems and bus lanes that they give up early and try simply walking around the landscape, may I suggest the “rude bus driver” scenario needs attention if you do not wish the game to have an 18 certificate.


The “Hillsborough Corner” level is far too difficult, WHAT ON EARTH were the programmers thinking? You need a whole new set of physics to get to where you want to go.


So overall I’d say “Well done” -100% accurate so far!


The bad bits : the game lacks cones -on the West Bar level I only counted 12,699 traffic cones, surely you don’t expect this to be an accurate representation of the area? I’m aware there are graphic card issues with creating so many objects but surely the other 27,821 cones could be represented somehow? - you need more cranes on the skyline too.


I was disappointed with the City Centre level, some flaws included not enough beggars, finding a parking space, and you could actually drive through the centre! TOTALLY UNREALISTIC!


I’ve put a copy of this letter on the Sheffield Forum and any feedback I receive from them I will pass on to you. If there is any chance that you could incorporate a red Subaru Impreza with the word “Crunchie” on the side into the game I know it would make a lot of them very happy.


Yours Faithfully,




Post of the Day!:hihi:

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Well well well were do i start, being a GTA player my self i think we should start the game on the Manor we we learn how to control the player, learn to shoot and most of all hijack cars and learn to TWOK, then slowly expand the game to Arbourthorne and Darnall. Maybe we could incoporate a pot hole off function so we could see what it is like to drive round the rest of the country. Moveing on quickly we would have unlocked the city centre as in the game you can drive out to redneck country which would suite Stocksbridge and Barnsley a treat:hihi: . So come on lets make this a great game give us more to play with.

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