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Compulsory Vaccination?

Compulsory Vaccination?  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it morally acceptable for a country to make covid vaccination compulsory for the general population?

    • Yes, in some countries the situation in sufficiently bad that this can reasonably be considered.
    • No, while compulsory mass vaccination is not morally wrong under all circumstances, it is wrong for covid at this time.
    • No, compulsory mass vaccination is always wrong.

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9 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

Nonsense. Language does not work that way.


You have used the terms gullible, sheep and sheeple yourself. I have noticed you bleat about name-calling but are not above behaving similarly yourself.

Language works exactly that way- 'covid sceptic' means 'one who is sceptical about the existence of covid'.


I have never used the term 'sheeple'.

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14 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

More ridiculousness. As usual you want to tell me what I think/ mean. Why should I apologise for the (extreme) interpretation you put on the term 'covid sceptic'? It's not even rude why are you pretending to take offence?

You said "Covid sceptic", not "Covid suppression sceptic"

What other definition could there be for "Covid sceptic" than someone who is sceptical Covid exists ?

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Its so obvious that the booster uptake has not been as expected, we've got the press, Royalty, 3rd celebrities and TV journalists all pushing the nonsense and trying to greatly exaggerate the Omicron threat, fortunately I think they're overplaying their hand and people are starting to wake up, even the shops are not bothering enforcing the latest illogical mask mandates, the end is nigh hopefully.

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14 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

Now what about you? Why are you spreading misinformation?

Kindly point out where I have been "spreading misinformation".

What like saying back in April 2020 that kids were in no danger from Covid so parents should not worry and stress themselves up unnecessarily ? Do you mean that kind of "misinformation" ?

14 hours ago, L00b said:

As explained in the meantime by Carbuncle, hospital theatre staff have been wearing surgical masks for decades to stop infecting the patient on the table with any pathogens they may be carrying and expectorating through normal breathing.

This is the exact same healthcare reason why Japanese commuters have been wearing theirs for decades, whenever they (the ‘20%’ you witnessed) are feeling ill. The self-imposed duty of wearing a mask in such circumstances arises from their social and moral sense.

Vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike are asked to wear a mask in public places to help stop the spread of the infection, because no one knows whether they have Covid or not at any one time before they start to experience symptoms but they are already infectious: no vaccine, nor any booster, stops anyone from catching Covid. Covid vaccines just reduce the likelihood of grave outcomes requiring professional healthcare resources.

How does any of that answer my basic point that if care staff and NHS staff are required to wear facemasks all day, possibly forever, that will put people off wanting to work in those places ?

Or do you think that the face mask mandate will be revoked for care homes and hospitals ? If so, particularly in the case of hospitals, I (and my wife who works in one) wish I had your confidence.

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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

How does any of that answer my basic point that if care staff and NHS staff are required to wear facemasks all day, possibly forever, that will put people off wanting to work in those places ?

Your ‘point’ is illogical and warrants lip service at best, given that mass immunity will eventual be achieved everywhere, just as it was with the Spanish flu, polio, rubella, etc.  before, and likely much sooner than those given the technological capacities of modern healthcare and the global efforts dedicated to mitigate Covid.

9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Or do you think that the face mask mandate will be revoked for care homes and hospitals ? If so, particularly in the case of hospitals, I (and my wife who works in one) wish I had your confidence.

Of course, and everywhere else too.


How soon, however, depends fully on how early that mass immunity threshold gets reached *everywhere* (considering modern global travel,wherein a single plane load with a new variant is enough to bootstrap the infection afresh nationally).

Vaccination (and boosters, given the in vivo shelf life of the vaccine) to mitigate serious health conditions from Covid, and masks/distanciation to slow down infection rates and mutations, both get us there much sooner, with fewer requirements on healthcare services.


After that, people are free to make their choices. Do what is right, logically and scientifically, both for them and the society they live in towards getting back to normality soonest. Or do whatever else they want.

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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

Its so obvious that the booster uptake has not been as expected, we've got the press, Royalty, 3rd celebrities and TV journalists all pushing the nonsense and trying to greatly exaggerate the Omicron threat, fortunately I think they're overplaying their hand and people are starting to wake up, even the shops are not bothering enforcing the latest illogical mask mandates, the end is nigh hopefully.

Not all shops 

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