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More Incompetence From Sypte


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Heaven help the poor person who goes on to google and searches for the tram train timetable. The first listing is for SYPTE and this page




you will find the very helpful advice and a link to the latest timetable. Unfortunately it is the pre Covid timetable and not the current one that has been in operation for some time. 



Here's the latest timetable for Tram Train services which includes ticket information.



Still SYPTE could not careless about accuracy of information and keeping the customer informed. No doubt if one were to search around you might find reference to the fact that the timetable is different but I suspect most folks would google, click on the link to SYPTE and assume that the latest timetable was the timetable in use today. 

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1 hour ago, BigAl1 said:

Heaven help the poor person who goes on to google and searches for the tram train timetable. The first listing is for SYPTE and this page




you will find the very helpful advice and a link to the latest timetable. Unfortunately it is the pre Covid timetable and not the current one that has been in operation for some time. 



Here's the latest timetable for Tram Train services which includes ticket information.



Still SYPTE could not careless about accuracy of information and keeping the customer informed. No doubt if one were to search around you might find reference to the fact that the timetable is different but I suspect most folks would google, click on the link to SYPTE and assume that the latest timetable was the timetable in use today. 

This isn't just a problem with SYPTE, it seems to be endemic in every organisation these days.

As the World gets more and more complicated, finding up-to-date, reliable information gets harder and harder.

Gone are the days of simple printed bus / tram / railway timetables, everything's online and difficult to find, let alone interpret. And telephoning any organisation is usually a none starter as well, as actually getting through to anyone knowledgable equally impossible. 

Oh for the days of simplicity. No wonder everyone is getting mental health problems, it's enough to drive you mad.... 


Edited by Anna B
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1 hour ago, Anna B said:


Oh for the days of simplicity. No wonder everyone is getting mental health problems, it's enough to drive you mad.... 


Tell me about it Anna,

The problems I've encountered these last few years makes me think I'm going mad...


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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

This isn't just a problem with SYPTE, it seems to be endemic in every organisation these days.

As the World gets more and more complicated, finding up-to-date, reliable information gets harder and harder.

Gone are the days of simple printed bus / tram / railway timetables, everything's online and difficult to find, let alone interpret. And telephoning any organisation is usually a none starter as well, as actually getting through to anyone knowledgable equally impossible. 

Oh for the days of simplicity. No wonder everyone is getting mental health problems, it's enough to drive you mad.... 


Agree it is not justSYPTE.


however it should be simple to put the correct timetable in place given that Stagecoach have produced it. It is just symptomatic of the fact that SYPTE can not be bothered to do even the simple things that should be automatic.

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Guest busdriver1
3 hours ago, BigAl1 said:

Agree it is not justSYPTE.


however it should be simple to put the correct timetable in place given that Stagecoach have produced it. It is just symptomatic of the fact that SYPTE can not be bothered to do even the simple things that should be automatic.

Don't worry. When they get their mitts on all travel ( albeit under a different name) everything will run perfectly. 

And the fairies at the bottom of my garden agree. 

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But people want public transport back in local government control....

IF that ever happens, who do you think will be working for the bus dept? The current employees at SYPTE! 

SYPTE still owe bus companies to the tune of millions for subsidies etc from what I've been told, from as far back as 2016 but they're trying desparately to hold on to the cash and not pay it. 

Questions should be asked as to why....

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18 hours ago, Anna B said:

This isn't just a problem with SYPTE, it seems to be endemic in every organisation these days.

As the World gets more and more complicated, finding up-to-date, reliable information gets harder and harder.

Gone are the days of simple printed bus / tram / railway timetables, everything's online and difficult to find, let alone interpret. And telephoning any organisation is usually a none starter as well, as actually getting through to anyone knowledgable equally impossible. 

Oh for the days of simplicity. No wonder everyone is getting mental health problems, it's enough to drive you mad.... 


Telephoning SYPTE is not all that bad. With some bad luck you have to wait a while but usually this is not bad.

Staff is very friendly and helpful.


Just off topic here but yesterday some stranger walked up to me at arena tram platform and he gave me a lecture on how long they tested these led signs there before using them and information often being wrong saying hey cost millions and he could change temperature and switch lights on of at home from any internet connection in the world with his mobile but wrong times are on these signs waiting 20 min. for tram to city to come. At least it was a nice sunny day.

Edited by dutch
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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Has anyone actually told them they have the wrong timetable up, or do you think moaning on here will get it fixed quicker?

What you call 'moaning' is actually people identifying problems with an organisations approach which I actually find to be a very positive thing. As someone who experiences serious mental health issues as a result of the appalling way these organisations do things [40 minute phone queues, being passed endlessly from one incompetant department to another, security questions so complex that it is often impossible to access ones own account etc, etc] I always find it refreshing that there are people out there who can also see just how wrong it all is.

The more people who highlight it ['moan about it'] the better, IMHO.

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