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More Incompetence From Sypte


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23 hours ago, BigAl1 said:

In theory you are right but previous complaints to SYPTE about the accuracy of the information( not just the dot matrix) they provide have not met with any success only fatuous excuses or bull.s**t

Do you remember when the council some 12 years ago put up the information display panels like the one outside the (now)Sainsbury’s  at the university tram stop with clocks and had to get rid of the clocks because they were always showing the wrong time can’t remember now if they were even right twice a day.

The Sainsbury's near the University tram stop has gone.

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On 20/11/2021 at 13:11, BigAl1 said:

Heaven help the poor person who goes on to google and searches for the tram train timetable. The first listing is for SYPTE and this page




you will find the very helpful advice and a link to the latest timetable. Unfortunately it is the pre Covid timetable and not the current one that has been in operation for some time. 



Here's the latest timetable for Tram Train services which includes ticket information.



Still SYPTE could not careless about accuracy of information and keeping the customer informed. No doubt if one were to search around you might find reference to the fact that the timetable is different but I suspect most folks would google, click on the link to SYPTE and assume that the latest timetable was the timetable in use today. 

Not sure what your problem is here; if I go to https://www.travelsouthyorkshire.com/en-GB/LandingPage/tram-train, the link to the latest timetable goes to https://www.travelsouthyorkshire.com/en-gb/timetabledetails/7d9f5d54-e707-41bd-877b-a3b6375e25d7 which in turn has a link to the: 


Tram Train contingency timetable from 16 May 2021


Sounds like your browser is using a cached version of the page.

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