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Ghislaine Maxwell Co-Conspirator List Is Out

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1 minute ago, cgksheff said:

Most likely in all areas of the population, but the statement is not totally correct.

"One person who has attempted an estimate is Dr Michael Seto, a clinical and forensic psychologist at the Royal Ottawa Healthcare group.

In 2008 he wrote a book in which he put the prevalence of paedophilia in the general population at 5%.

The figure was based on surveys conducted in Germany, Norway and Finland in which men were asked whether they had ever had sexual thoughts or fantasies about children or engaged in sexual activity with children.

But Seto stresses that 5% was an upper estimate, and that the studies were limited in what they revealed.

"What those surveys don't include are questions on the intensity of those thoughts and fantasies, whether they were repeated or not. Someone might say 'Yes' because they once had a fantasy but our understanding of paedophilia would be that that person recurringly had sexual thoughts and fantasies about children."

Now, with more data and better methodology, he has revised his figure down to about 1% of the population, though he makes clear this is still only an educated guess."

How many men are paedophiles? - BBC News


Fair enough. Still a large number considering the size of the population.

I would also argue that it is more prevalent amongst the rich and powerful as it is an ego trip to do with exerting that power.

'We can do anything we like because we are untouchable, and to prove it, we will do the most unacceptable, taboo things in society, and get away with it.' (think Alistair Crowley.)

I also think there's a case for thinking those who attended top ranking boarding schools and Universities, known to be hotbeds of homosexual activity, might have a predilection for it. Fagging and bullying/buggering younger boys was their introduction to the use of power, and in certain circles, considered quite 'normal.'


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30 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Fair enough. Still a large number considering the size of the population.

I would also argue that it is more prevalent amongst the rich and powerful as it is an ego trip to do with exerting that power.

'We can do anything we like because we are untouchable, and to prove it, we will do the most unacceptable, taboo things in society, and get away with it.' (think Alistair Crowley.)

I also think there's a case for thinking those who attended top ranking boarding schools and Universities, known to be hotbeds of homosexual activity, might have a predilection for it. Fagging and bullying/buggering younger boys was their introduction to the use of power, and in certain circles, considered quite 'normal.'


What a disgusting vile post.


Firstly, are you so naive to think it is really more prevalent amongst the rich or is it simply the case that the media will only report on the well-known persons and more interesting stories in order to attract readers and sell their wares.


Secondly, how dare you mate such assumptions that there is some causal link between homosexuality and pedophilia. Those sort of outdated comments are long gone back in the dark old times when gay people were deemed spawn of Satan and the populace had mass hysteria over the so-called gay disease, HIV, falsley accusing and attacking innocent people of all sorts of things for their gayness, deviant sexual activity and so called depravity.


Your suggested boarding school activites are straight out of some pre-war novel and bear no reality into the modern world. 


Once again, your clear bias against anyone who is wealthy or powerful is showing. You really don't think that 1% of pedophilia is outside the realms of the "ordinary" people.....   What about your beloved hard done, underpaid, undervalued public sector. All those "caring" and 'dedicated" nurses  and doctors and carers and social workers. Are they incapable of engaging the same???   Quick look at all the abuse in care homes or hospitals or in special needs services clearly shows differently. They weren't elitist rich private school oligarchs were they?


How would you be feeling if I make some remark that "....all hetro care workers are wannabe paedos..."


Wise up.

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54 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Fair enough. Still a large number considering the size of the population.

I would also argue that it is more prevalent amongst the rich and powerful as it is an ego trip to do with exerting that power.

'We can do anything we like because we are untouchable, and to prove it, we will do the most unacceptable, taboo things in society, and get away with it.' (think Alistair Crowley.)

I also think there's a case for thinking those who attended top ranking boarding schools and Universities, known to be hotbeds of homosexual activity, might have a predilection for it. Fagging and bullying/buggering younger boys was their introduction to the use of power, and in certain circles, considered quite 'normal.'


What has homosexuality got to do with child abuse ?

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40 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

What a disgusting vile post.


Firstly, are you so naive to think it is really more prevalent amongst the rich or is it simply the case that the media will only report on the well-known persons and more interesting stories in order to attract readers and sell their wares.


Secondly, how dare you mate such assumptions that there is some causal link between homosexuality and pedophilia. Those sort of outdated comments are long gone back in the dark old times when gay people were deemed spawn of Satan and the populace had mass hysteria over the so-called gay disease, HIV, falsley accusing and attacking innocent people of all sorts of things for their gayness, deviant sexual activity and so called depravity.


Your suggested boarding school activites are straight out of some pre-war novel and bear no reality into the modern world. 


Once again, your clear bias against anyone who is wealthy or powerful is showing. You really don't think that 1% of pedophilia is outside the realms of the "ordinary" people.....   What about your beloved hard done, underpaid, undervalued public sector. All those "caring" and 'dedicated" nurses  and doctors and carers and social workers. Are they incapable of engaging the same???   Quick look at all the abuse in care homes or hospitals or in special needs services clearly shows differently. They weren't elitist rich private school oligarchs were they?


How would you be feeling if I make some remark that "....all hetro care workers are wannabe paedos..."


Wise up.

Well your response doesn't surprise me as you are biased in always defending the indefensible if it involves the upper echelons of society no matter how compelling the evidence. 


I made it perfectly clear in an earlier post that I think paedophilia is clearly distributed throughout society, but you seem to think that our 'elders and betters' are somehow immune to that, which is typical. 


I mentioned homosexuality only in the context that it is more prevalent in single sex boarding schools, not to relate it to paedophilia. 

As for my ideas being 'dated,' so be it. The re are plenty of people in the Westminster elite who will have been at boarding schools before fagging was discouraged in the 1980's, so hardly 'prewar.'  


I think you will find that convictions for paedophilia are almost 100% to be found in the general population, which should set alarm bells ringing. But then the general population can't afford the top brass Lawyers, call in favours, engage in state cover ups, silence the press etc. That only comes with wealth, privilege and a sense of entitlement. That is what makes the Epstein /Maxwell case so interesting, but then that is due to an American court where they think differently, and mean it, when they say no one is above the law. 


Ghislaine Maxwell's 'little black book' may yet prove to be a revelation.




Edited by Anna B
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5 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Well your response doesn't surprise me as you are biased in always defending the indefensible if it involves the upper echelons of society no matter how compelling the evidence. 


I made it perfectly clear in an earlier post that I think paedophilia is clearly distributed throughout society, but you seem to think that our 'elders and betters' are somehow immune to that, which is typical. 


I mentioned homosexuality only in the context that it is more prevalent in single sex boarding schools, not to relate it to paedophilia. 

As for my ideas being 'dated,' so be it. The re are plenty of people in the Westminster elite who will have been at boarding schools before fagging was discouraged in the 1980's, so hardly 'prewar.'  


I think you will find that convictions for paedophilia are almost 100% to be found in the general population, which should set alarm bells ringing. But then they can't afford the top brass Lawyers, call in favours, engage in state cover ups, silence the press etc. That only comes with wealth, privilege and a sense of entitlement. That is what makes the Epstein /Maxwell case so interesting, but then that is due to an American court, where they think differently, and mean it when they say no one is above the law.

You posted "I would also argue that it is more prevalent amongst the rich and powerful as it is an ego trip to do with exerting that power." That means you think the rich and powerful are more likely to be paedophiles.


There is an argument to be made that the rich and powerful who happen to also be paedophiles know they can use their influence to avoid being held to account for their actions and that in turn may make them more likely to act on their urges but that doesn't make people who are rich and powerful more likely to be paedophiles.


If you think homosexuality and paedophilia are not linked why mention it in your post at all? By mentioning it in a post about paedophilia you intrinsically did link them, whether you claim you did not intended to do so or otherwise.

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30 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Well your response doesn't surprise me as you are biased in always defending the indefensible if it involves the upper echelons of society no matter how compelling the evidence. 


I made it perfectly clear in an earlier post that I think paedophilia is clearly distributed throughout society, but you seem to think that our 'elders and betters' are somehow immune to that, which is typical. 


I mentioned homosexuality only in the context that it is more prevalent in single sex boarding schools, not to relate it to paedophilia. 

As for my ideas being 'dated,' so be it. The re are plenty of people in the Westminster elite who will have been at boarding schools before fagging was discouraged in the 1980's, so hardly 'prewar.'  


I think you will find that convictions for paedophilia are almost 100% to be found in the general population, which should set alarm bells ringing. But then the general population can't afford the top brass Lawyers, call in favours, engage in state cover ups, silence the press etc. That only comes with wealth, privilege and a sense of entitlement. That is what makes the Epstein /Maxwell case so interesting, but then that is due to an American court where they think differently, and mean it, when they say no one is above the law. 


Ghislaine Maxwell's 'little black book' may yet prove to be a revelation.

If your premise is correct, you are unlikely to see the dirty linen of the rich and famous exposed.


Deals are made!

Edited by trastrick
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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

Well your response doesn't surprise me as you are biased in always defending the indefensible if it involves the upper echelons of society no matter how compelling the evidence. 


I made it perfectly clear in an earlier post that I think paedophilia is clearly distributed throughout society, but you seem to think that our 'elders and betters' are somehow immune to that, which is typical. 


I mentioned homosexuality only in the context that it is more prevalent in single sex boarding schools, not to relate it to paedophilia. 

As for my ideas being 'dated,' so be it. The re are plenty of people in the Westminster elite who will have been at boarding schools before fagging was discouraged in the 1980's, so hardly 'prewar.'  


I think you will find that convictions for paedophilia are almost 100% to be found in the general population, which should set alarm bells ringing. But then the general population can't afford the top brass Lawyers, call in favours, engage in state cover ups, silence the press etc. That only comes with wealth, privilege and a sense of entitlement. That is what makes the Epstein /Maxwell case so interesting, but then that is due to an American court where they think differently, and mean it, when they say no one is above the law. 


Ghislaine Maxwell's 'little black book' may yet prove to be a revelation.




There we go again, more nonsense statements.

So girls coming out of their own single sex schools are highly probable to be lesbians  then Anna??? 


Stop trying to backtrack. It was perfectly clear what you were trying to suggest with mentioning it.  Disgusting comment.


As far making out that convictions are only against the general population - another load of tripe.


I don't defend the indefensible, I'm simply not such a gullible, deluded person  I believe everything I read in the papers nor have such black and white prejudiced opinion that deem that all rich, powerful, elitists = Evil and all hard done by, salt of the earth, low paid workers = Angels.


Kettle calling pot  bringing up my alleged bias. Take a look at your own.

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33 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

There we go again, more nonsense statements.

So girls coming out of their own single sex schools are highly probable to be lesbians  then Anna??? 


Stop trying to backtrack. It was perfectly clear what you were trying to suggest with mentioning it.  Disgusting comment.


As far making out that convictions are only against the general population - another load of tripe.


I don't defend the indefensible, I'm simply not such a gullible, deluded person  I believe everything I read in the papers nor have such black and white prejudiced opinion that deem that all rich, powerful, elitists = Evil and all hard done by, salt of the earth, low paid workers = Angels.


Kettle calling pot  bringing up my alleged bias. Take a look at your own.

@ECCOnoob- Anna isn't biased, just truthful. 🤣

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