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Ghislaine Maxwell Co-Conspirator List Is Out

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2 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Absolutely, then she will be free today because she's already served 6 months.

What is she was a Pakistani male who was instrumental in running grooming gangs?

Would 6 months be enough then?

3 minutes ago, Delayed said:

She's got 20 years so your arguments are pointless 

Thanks for that. 

Personally I think she's got off very lightly.

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9 minutes ago, West 77 said:

She isn't a Pakistani male but she is a female who has been made a scapegoat for the alleged crimes of her boyfriend / partner who committed suicide  before his trial happened.  The lady wasn't arrested or charged with any offences while her boyfriend / partner was  still alive.The truth is the lady wouldn't have been charged with any offences if her boyfriend hadn't committed suicide..



20 years too long in my opinion. 

My bold.


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14 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

I’m surprised Andrew didn’t pop over the pond to give a character reference for his old buddy. An honorable prince with tales of daring do in his naval days would surely have swung a lower sentence for her.

That's funny 😁 

Having said that I have a feeling somone did swing a lower sentence for her.

20 years is not enough for me.

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Guest sibon
1 minute ago, West 77 said:

You're deluded if you believe you can show anyone up.

To be fair, in this instance, you did all of the hard work for him.

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12 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Don't need to read anything back. I think you said you hoped it's a substantial sentence and your wish has come true. You never answered the question presented to you why you hoped it would be a substantial sentence.

Because it was a stupid question not worthy of a reply.

And you should read it back, you attributed a comment to me I didn't make.

What's up, scared to read it again?

Is that it eh?



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13 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

That's funny 😁 

Having said that I have a feeling somone did swing a lower sentence for her.

20 years is not enough for me.



She'll probably be assigned to a minimum security facility in the country where she'll be treated like a celeb, by her  jailers (carers). She'll hold court over an endleess series of visiting lawyers, social workers, authors and journalists interviews, and will probably be busy writing her book.


She'll have all the resources to further her legal appeals, and her "incarceration", will be like just another day at the office. (As long  as she holds all the aces that could cause embarassment to certain public figures)


She'll get better personal care, and more freedom,  than the average nursing home occupant. Her crime? Pimping.


The Real Crimes?


Committed by the long line up of male clients,  who actually did the dirty with these unfortunate young women.


Will they go after these predators?


Here's what an expert told the Guardian.


"Ultimately, said Bennett Gershman, professor of law at Pace University in New York, much depends on whether the government feels there is political mileage in continuing the investigation and identifying high-profile people who may have been part of the scheme.


“It’s hard to say what the government is interested in further on. We can’t answer that. Are the victims and people who really care about this case satisfied now Maxwell has been convicted or do they want to see other people in the larger network investigated?”


He added: “They have limited resources and personnel, so does this case cry out for further investigation and prosecution? That’s a political decision by the US department of justice and the US attorney’s office.”


A political decision!  Lol.


The fact is, the U.S. Department of Justice, and US Attorney's Office, have unlimited resources, to prosecute criminals, and have no compunction going after suspected miscreants, if they belong to "the other Party". They do it all the time.


In this case, it appears that more influential U.S. Citizens on the left of the political spectrum could be hurt by further "investigations".


A foreigner, Prince Andrew, is the sacrificial lamb in this case, who nobody gives a toss about.


Time to move on, citizen!  :)


Edited by trastrick
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Re; your highlighted bit. - I certainly believe there's a lot more to investigate, and that includes a lot more people in high places so it probably won't happen.


I wonder how long it will take Maxwell to get transferred to a British prison?

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