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Ghislaine Maxwell Co-Conspirator List Is Out

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8 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Forgive me, but what has Jennifer Arcuri to do with Ghislaine Maxwell trial?

Have I missed something?

She was responding to his vaccine passport wishes and posted a link to Epstein's Black Book. Which Mr Neil is in. He said he'd never met Epstein and his name was put in it by Ghislaine. The inference was he'd been to the island. He's suing everyone who retweeted her as well.

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16 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

She was responding to his vaccine passport wishes and posted a link to Epstein's Black Book. Which Mr Neil is in. He said he'd never met Epstein and his name was put in it by Ghislaine. The inference was he'd been to the island. He's suing everyone who retweeted her as well.

Ahh, I see, thankyou.

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9 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

It's all very seedy.  Mr Neil is either very angry for being lied about or very scared for reasons I'm not going to go into. 

It's all a bit odd. I first saw the 'black book' in February and there is a lot of famous people in it but that doesn't mean anything. He insists Maxwell compiled the list and he met her 3 times. Does this mean that all of his case rests on this. Couldn't Jennifer now ask her defence lawyer to contact Maxwell and ask her? What if she says she didn't put his name in the book, or that she can't remember, or maybe Epstein asked her to do it? The nuclear option would be if she's sentenced to life and has an axe to grind (no doubt her (murdered) father had dealings with Mr Neil and she says Neil did know Epstein and they did meet. Even if it's a lie, who could prove other wise?


A can of worms has been opened. 

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Despite all expectations, this trial has not turned out to be the "scandalous" trial of the century. They got their sacrificial lamb, early on, with Prince Andrew, some foreign royalty guy.


The affair, like the Epstein "suicide", involving low level jail employees "falling asleep" "due to overwork", likewise the video cameras all crashing, due to "Trump Admin budget cutting", will be brushed off, with a plea deal, and a strong wish, by the victims and their families to "move on" from this tragedy, which has "torn apart our lives".


Why do I think so?




"US Judge Lets Ghislaine Maxwell Call 'False Memories' Expert" (aka O.J. Trial Expert)

https://www.usnews.com › News › Top News
Nov 22, 2021 — Dietz is expected to rebut the testimony of prosecution witness Lisa ... 


It all happened so long ago........


and besides:


"Epstein compensation fund pays out nearly $121M to victims"

https://nypost.com › 2021/08/09 › epstein-compensatio...

Aug 9, 2021 — The compensation fund set up for Jeffrey Epstein's victims paid out nearly $121 million before it ended Monday — on the eve of the two-year ...


Like the Clinton White House Counsel, Vince Foster, who conveniently committed "suicide" at the height of the Whitewater Scandal (which, contrary to the revised and now widely accepted "narrative" that it was about Bill's liaison with a WH intern, named Lewinsky, in which Hillary, the victim, bravely stood by her husband) it will all go away, and everybody concerned will get rich in the process!


And the Powerful Political Elite will be safe, once again.


Now, move along citizen, nothing to see here.



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An interesting note:


Both Prosecutors, Mueller and Durham blew apart the other major half of the Fake Russian Collusion conspiracy theory, namely  that a "secret server" in the Trump Tower was in contact with a Russian bank (Alpha bank,) was a setup for the FBI by Clinton Campaign Lawyer Michael Sussman who was arrested and charged a couple weeks ago.


This same guy Sussman, also told the FBI that the Russians had hacked Hillary's  emails on the DNC Server, but that turned out to be phony, too. He wouldn't let the FBI look at the DNC Server, so Comey and gang, just took his word for it. Happily it turns out.


WashPost was also all over this Fake Story


"How the Russians hacked the DNC and passed its emails to WikiLeaks"



Mueller even indicted 12 "Russian Spies" for the hack, but nobody was ever interested in following up or bringing them into a Court of Law. It just got swept away.


The Republicans claimed all along that it was a DNC "insider" who gave (sold) them to WikiLeaks Assange.


Now, the Durham Investigation has blown that Fake conspiracy theory out of the water, too.


So back to who actually hacked the DNC Server?


Well, a certain DNC  Employee, a "troubled young man" by all accounts met a mysterious death in Washington DC.


According to WIKI:


"The murder of Seth Rich occurred on Sunday, July 10, 2016, at 4:20 a.m. in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C.[2] Rich died about an hour and a half after being shot twice in the back. He was murdered by unknown perpetrators for unknown reasons, but police suspected he had been the victim of an attempted robbery.[1][3]

The 27-year-old Rich was an employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and his murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories,[1][4] including the false claim, contradicted by the law enforcement branches that investigated the murder, that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016.[5][6] 


"Rich's mother told NBC's Washington affiliate WRC-TV: "There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything ... They didn't finish robbing him, they just took his life."[44] The police told the family they had found a surveillance recording showing a glimpse of the legs of two people who could be the killers.[45]"


So it was just a random robbery, that left him dead, with his expensive watch, his wallet and his credit cards intact. 




See the Epstein "suicide" for other weird, and very unlikely circumstances.


I'm betting that the Seth Rich case will be or is right now being re-opened in light of the disgusting disclosures of the ongoing Durham Criminal Investigation., where all roads lead to the Clinton Machine.

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

So it was just a random robbery, that left him dead, with his expensive watch, his wallet and his credit cards intact.

Hook, line & sinker! :loopy: :hihi:


Fox News Settles With Seth Rich's Parents For False Story Claiming Clinton Leaks:


"Numerous U.S. intelligence agencies and Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded it was hackers with ties to Russian spy agencies - not Rich - who were behind the theft of the DNC emails that were posted by Wikileaks during the 2016 presidential campaign."


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15 hours ago, Magilla said:

Hook, line & sinker! :loopy: :hihi:


Fox News Settles With Seth Rich's Parents For False Story Claiming Clinton Leaks:


"Numerous U.S. intelligence agencies and Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded it was hackers with ties to Russian spy agencies - not Rich - who were behind the theft of the DNC emails that were posted by Wikileaks during the 2016 presidential campaign."


Old news!


You need to catch up!


Turns out that Mueller's finding that it was "likely" a Russian attack, was based on an FBI Investigation, that itself was based on what recently Indicted Clinton Campaign Lawyer, Michael Sussman told the FBI, his contractor, CrowdStrike, had found.


Sussman did not disclose to the FBI, his connection to the Hillary Campaign, the FBI claims.


"But it was not until nearly four years later that the public learned that CrowdStrike was not as confident about the Russian hacking allegation that it had publicly lodged. In December 2017 testimony that was declassified only in May 2020, Henry admitted that his firm was akin to a bank examiner who believes the vault has been robbed – but has no proof of how."


Clinton Campaign Lawyer Sussman, or CrowdStrike"still has not provided the FBI with forensic images nor an unredacted copy of their [CrowdStrike’s] report."


"Coming Into Focus: Hillary's Secretive, Russiagate-Flogging Pair of Super-Lawyers"



Wall Street Journal

Nov 5, 2021

"Special counsel John Durham’s (Criminal Investigation) latest indictment is an important step in unraveling what really happened in the long tale of false Russia-collusion allegations against the 2016 Trump presidential campaign. The facts in the indictment add to the evidence that this was from first to last a dirty trick by Hillary Clinton's campaign—and that the media were its gullible promoters."



When the MSM, who flogged the phony Russian Collusion "narative" start to jump ship, you know this is serious stuff, folks.


The Washington Post corrects, removes parts of two stories ...

https://www.washingtonpost.com › style › 2021/11/12

Nov 12, 2021 — New reporting and the recent indictment of a dossier contributor led The Post to decide it could no longer stand by the stories.

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Old news!

*Real* news... there's a distinction :roll:


As usual, you conflate separate issues, making connections that don't exist.


Last week it was the Steel dossier, isn't panning out... on to the next.



Sussman hasn't been indicted because of the information itself, he's not being charged because that "Trump server with mysterious connections to a Russian bank" didn't exist!


There's a more than even chance Durham isn't going to succeed in securing any conviction against Sussman...

...or ultimately come to conclusions you're going to be happy with... you realise that right? :?


It is interesting though, that for someone who only last week was all upset about the media's treatment of Trump given he's "innocent until proven guilty", you're now doing *exactly* what you claim is out-of-order here! :hihi:


You are the embodiment of the people you're railing against in most of your posts! :thumbsup:




Also, keep the links coming... with linked content like "Fauci created Covid and AIDS" it gives a good indication of where all this Anti-Vax stuff is coming from :D

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