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Care Costs Cap

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Guest makapaka
18 minutes ago, West 77 said:

And it's not really fair that people who have worked hard and paid a huge amount in taxes over their life, that has enabled them to buy an expensive house, should be treated differently to other people who may have spent their money on other things rather than invest the same money in a more valuable house. 

Spoken like a true tory - they just didn’t work hard enough eh? Prob spent it all on fags and booze etc yawn.


load of rubbish.

Edited by makapaka
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55 minutes ago, fools said:

Why is having your bottom wiped twice a day so expensive.


The solution is to find a willing student or two, and offer them free accommodation.

Yes, average cost of a care home is now nearly £900 per person per week, that's £3,600 per person per month, and doesn't include B&B which is often extra. I have asked this question many times and never had a satisfactory answer. Yet the care workers (...who do a great deal more than wiping bottoms incidently...) are on minimum wage and often overworked due to not enough staff.  Getting a breakdown of where this money goes is impossible - I know 'cause I've tried.

Ed Ball did a very good two part documentary on care homes and care in the clients own home, available on iplayer or you tube. But it still didn't manage to fully answer the question. I'd advise people to watch it.





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39 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I agree. The key word in National Insurance, is the word insurance. And to be honest as you get older everyone without exception will benefit in some way from a better care service, even if they themselves never need to go into a care home, if only from peace of mind.

The  "peace of mind" you mention is very important.

What I find strange is why isn't the national insurance way forward  not discussed or debated.

Arguments about a "flawed" scheme seem to be more important than finding an effective and efficient scheme acceptable to ALL.

What we hear in parliament and on this thread is arguing about who should pay what and how unfair the present proposed system would be.


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1 minute ago, harvey19 said:

The  "peace of mind" you mention is very important.

What I find strange is why isn't the national insurance way forward  not discussed or debated.

Arguments about a "flawed" scheme seem to be more important than finding an effective and efficient scheme acceptable to ALL.

What we hear in parliament and on this thread is arguing about who should pay what and how unfair the present proposed system would be.


I couldn't agree more.

We are constantly being told it's too expensive for the government to pay for, but they pick and chose what they can afford. A system of National insurance paying for care would benefit everyone.


But care is too expensive, ridiculously so -  and is still very poor. That fact is never addressed.

IMO it is because it's privatised, and the money is going into the back pockets of wealthy cronies, via government contracts. It seems they can charge what they want and get away with it by forming cartels. They see the government as a cash cow. Profit is all they care about, and profit should not be the bottom line when it comes to health care.


Recently I was informed by a reliable source that an admission into a neuro-rehabilitation centre costs £15,000 per person a week! Yet in actuality it seems a care home can call itself a NR centre with very little action/treatment to back it up.


No wonder mental health care is in short supply with these sorts of costs to cover. 



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18 minutes ago, West 77 said:

For some that is most certainly the case.  I consider myself to be a man of the people who mixes with  everyone rather than a Tory.  Because I'm  a man of the people I know both lazy and hard working people.  My observation is the hard working people I know live in much nice houses and areas than the lazy people I know.

That is an insult to a great many very hard working people. I know some very lazy, well heeled people who have big expensive houses through very little effort of their own, what does that prove?


I am not saying people who live in nice houses don't work hard, but certainly not harder than those on lesser pay, and the lower paid often do more useful, worthwhile and important jobs. 


But your argument is about  far more than that - like equality of opportunity, luck, inheritance etc, but that's really for another thread, I suggest you take it there.

Edited by Anna B
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13 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The hard working people I know most certainly will not be insulted by my honest comments.


I suggest to you that if you start a thread on a public discussion forum that you  welcome all contributions regardless of whether they share your own person prejudices and views.

I agree.  It wasn't a personal dig and I value your contributions. I just didn't want yet another very complex discussion about who is paid what they're worth in society (lots of threads) to derail this discussion, which is about paying for health care. 

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13 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Does anyone know what Labours policy on this is ?

I know Jeremy Corbyn's proposal was to rejoin the Care System to the NHS, and see it paid for by National Insurance.  

I don't know what Starmer's plan's are or if he's changed from that, but unfortunately I missed this week's Prime Minister's questions in the house.

Edited by Anna B
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1 minute ago, Anna B said:

I know Jeremy Corbyn's proposal was to rejoin Care to the NHS, and see it paid for by National Insurance.  

I don't know what Starmer's plan's are, and unfortunately I missed this week's Prime Minister's questions in the house.

Don’t worry Sir Keir just waffled on . No mention of Labours plans.

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1 minute ago, hackey lad said:

Don’t worry Sir Keir just waffled on . No mention of Labours plans.

That's pretty typical, and I'm not sure I trust him any more than Boris. And talking of waffle, I've also been trying to follow some of the live debates in the chamber. What a waste of time that was, and very few MPs attending...

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