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Care Costs Cap

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17 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

This Government is increasing National Insurance and Council Tax to pay for more but still inadequate funding.

They include the care needed by the over 25s (to 66) in their figure.

They want the carers to squabble over which group gets what.

This underhand approach to Care and the NHS is clear to all, yet we still vote for these Tory policies.


It will always be inadequate funding while care homes are allowed to charge £1,000 per person per week with no breakdown or justification for it. and rig up at cartel to do it.  And prices always go further upwards every year. Somebody somewhere is getting rich out of this at our expense.


And it's not just care homes, much of the NHS has been outsourced and privatised at exhorbitant cost to the tax payer. An NHS contract is seen as the ultimate cash cow. And we're not only footing the bill, but can't get the treatment we need when we need it because our money is being sucked up by Boris's greedy chums. 


I don't vote Tory and have done my best to let people know what's going on so they won't either, but they're not listening. How bad does it have to get to convince people?

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I think comparing Labour and Conservative actions or inaction just muddy the waters and deflect from the chore problem.

There is only one way to solve the problem in my opinion and that is to make social care a non private, non profit making service funded by national insurance contributions.

Surely it is not impossible to calculate how many people will need care by using past records and work out how much national insurance contributions need to be to pay for this.




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8 hours ago, harvey19 said:

I think comparing Labour and Conservative actions or inaction just muddy the waters and deflect from the chore problem.

There is only one way to solve the problem in my opinion and that is to make social care a non private, non profit making service funded by national insurance contributions.

Surely it is not impossible to calculate how many people will need care by using past records and work out how much national insurance contributions need to be to pay for this.




Exactly. I agree.

But the Conservative intention is to undermine the NHS as they intend to privatise everything as much as they possibly can like the American system.  Sure, the NHS needs reform, but privatisation for company profit is not the way. 


We've always had some privatisation in the NHS: in the past private patients could pay through the nose for operations in NHS hospitals to skip the waiting lists, not really fair, but the money they paid was ploughed back into the NHS to cut waiting lists for everybody. So it worked. 


Bed blocking in hospitals was prevented by having convalescent hospitals/homes which people could be moved into, to recover after illness. These became care homes, but were still covered by the NHS and free at the point of use, and not private enterprises. Then care was separated from the NHS and these homes became the responsibility of councils. As funding was cut, some  people who could afford it were charged a nominal rate for care (not the astronomical figures we see now) and there were a few small private homes which were considered superior by the wealthier, but provided very similar care.


Now the Corporates have moved in, taken over and created a cartel so they can charge what they like and people have no choice but to pay it.

Similar things are happening with doctors surgeries, funeral parlours, and veterinary surgeons etc who are all being taken over by the corporate giants. Cartels will form and fees will rise accordingly.


That's Free market economics people. They're taking over the world, (as Occupy once tried to  warn us.)

The big boys will always win, by having enough money to buy up all the opposition.

And of course the bigger they get, the less the competition.


Winner takes all, remember? And we will be the one's paying the price. Literally...



Edited by Anna B
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