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A local councillor has sent a friend of mine a message saying that I send her abuse every day, which is nonsense.

My friend has sent me a screenshot of this message and I initially thought nothing of it, but she could be saying that to numerous people.

What course of action should I take?


The quote is "I get a lot of abuse from *** ********, daily"

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26 minutes ago, geared said:

Run to the press, they love an opportunity to sling mud at the establishment.

It is an option, but people that know me, will know this is nonsense, but if she sticks to what she is saying, who will people believe?


When an MP, female or of colour, is in the news saying that they get loads of abuse, does anyone doubt them?

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"I get a lot of abuse from *** ********, daily"


There are too many defences here for you establish defamation.

Costs, in the unlikely event that you won,  would not necessarily be awarded to you.

You would have to prove to the Court that the "screenshot" was written and published by the defendant.

You would have to prove to the Court that the "screenshot" contents had caused you serious financial, reputational or mental harm.

You would have to prove to the Court that your "mail" could not be interpreted as abuse as the use word "abuse" is now used to describe minor and trivial words and phrases and implications.

It would be too easy to find content which a Court would believe the defendant thought abusive.

If the defendant is receiving multiple 'mail' from the claimant then the Court would be unsympathetic.


Courts are far more sympathetic nowadays to politicians as they are aware of the unending tirade of nasty, personal, threatening, untrue, made up rubbish they received.


There have been plenty of examples on here where a local or national figures have been the victim.


I know this as I was involved in a not too dissimilar case- nobody 'won' but the "alleged" libel was stopped permanently. My fees were paid by my trades union - a lifetime of contributions, I assume the other party had to fork out themselves.




Edited by Annie Bynnol
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2 hours ago, Resident said:

So what are you sending her daily & how do you think that she's construing it as abuse.


Give us a sample of what you've sent.

I have not messaged her once, no snail mail and no online messages. I have made comment about local council services, non of them are abusive, I do not swear, to anyone. My comments on facebook have been about the trees that were planted in February.

I think Annie Bynnol has found me guilty already  :)

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