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How Do We Lower Our Carbon Footprint?

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12 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Or the likes of tv presenter, Michaela Strachan's who has strong opinions on the climate crisis, yet she will turn up at the drop of a hat to present programmes in the UK, (mainly for the BBC these days, despite them also pushing the climate change agenda, so the BBC is as much at fault as Strachan is!), by flying in from her home in South Africa. 


I was reading about her a few weeks ago & clearly the topic of her carbon footprint has been raised to the extent that she felt the need to comment on it.  Her explanation was along the lines of (paraphrasing), 'Well the jetting around the world is not ideal but there's not a lot I can do about it at present as there's no alternative.... I do however pay money to an eco trust that goes some way to  off-set my carbon footprint."   No doubt they plant a tiny sapling somewhere on her behalf? 


Strachan joins the long list of other 'celebrity' hypocrites who tell you that you should be reducing your carbon footprint, while maintaining their lifestyles.  Of course, yours & my carbon footprints will probably be at least half as low already when compared to that of 'celebrities', yet we're made to feel guilty. 


The BBC of course, could play their part & find a UK based presenter for the likes of the next run of  'Spring / Summer / Autumn Watch',

Sounds like your touting for the vacancy Baron :thumbsup:.

Best of luck, don't forget us little people  :heyhey:.

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