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Pounds Park: New City Centre Park

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  • 4 months later...

Oh, look at that, yet another coffee connoisseur criticizing a fellow small business owner. How commendable it is to spend your time browsing through their pages just to spread negativity instead of focusing on improving yourself or working harder. Despite enduring the relentless rain and storms of winter, you've managed to find the time to pass judgment on their prices and operating hours. I must ask, did you generously donate any furniture to them? Perhaps they're in dire need of a specific type of furniture, considering they are situated in a stunning, brand new park in the heart of Sheffield and thriving. Their coffee, much like the owner herself, is authentically Brazilian—exquisite and captivating. It's truly remarkable how haters like yourself manage to find something to criticize in every aspect. Bravo, truly bravo. 😍😍😍 


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1 hour ago, Rosangeladi said:

Oh, look at that, yet another coffee connoisseur criticizing a fellow small business owner. How commendable it is to spend your time browsing through their pages just to spread negativity instead of focusing on improving yourself or working harder. Despite enduring the relentless rain and storms of winter, you've managed to find the time to pass judgment on their prices and operating hours. I must ask, did you generously donate any furniture to them? Perhaps they're in dire need of a specific type of furniture, considering they are situated in a stunning, brand new park in the heart of Sheffield and thriving. Their coffee, much like the owner herself, is authentically Brazilian—exquisite and captivating. It's truly remarkable how haters like yourself manage to find something to criticize in every aspect. Bravo, truly bravo. 😍😍😍 


Feel better now ? 

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1 hour ago, Rosangeladi said:

Oh, look at that, yet another coffee connoisseur criticizing a fellow small business owner. How commendable it is to spend your time browsing through their pages just to spread negativity instead of focusing on improving yourself or working harder. Despite enduring the relentless rain and storms of winter, you've managed to find the time to pass judgment on their prices and operating hours. I must ask, did you generously donate any furniture to them? Perhaps they're in dire need of a specific type of furniture, considering they are situated in a stunning, brand new park in the heart of Sheffield and thriving. Their coffee, much like the owner herself, is authentically Brazilian—exquisite and captivating. It's truly remarkable how haters like yourself manage to find something to criticize in every aspect. Bravo, truly bravo. 😍😍😍 


I’ve had the coffee from here and it was great. Such a good compliment to the park!

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1 hour ago, Rosangeladi said:

Oh, look at that, yet another coffee connoisseur criticizing a fellow small business owner. How commendable it is to spend your time browsing through their pages just to spread negativity instead of focusing on improving yourself or working harder. Despite enduring the relentless rain and storms of winter, you've managed to find the time to pass judgment on their prices and operating hours. I must ask, did you generously donate any furniture to them? Perhaps they're in dire need of a specific type of furniture, considering they are situated in a stunning, brand new park in the heart of Sheffield and thriving. Their coffee, much like the owner herself, is authentically Brazilian—exquisite and captivating. It's truly remarkable how haters like yourself manage to find something to criticize in every aspect. Bravo, truly bravo. 😍😍😍 



To be fair, the person criticising the coffee was Irene Swaine and she's been banned from here as she was a troller.

I often pass through Ponds Park, and when I next do, I'll buy myself a coffee and pastry :thumbsup: 

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On 30/11/2021 at 21:32, Mister M said:

I'd never even registered the existence of the Frieze at the back of the old Co-op

I loved that frieze, I'm so glad it's going to find a new home, I hope though that they maker better job of that than they have of the window bars from the Ruskin gallery, they've just stuck em in the ground in the winter garden, I've still no idea where the wood and wrought iron stair case has gone.

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On 01/12/2021 at 10:46, Guest said:

I fully agree with that.

Our Parks used to be beautifully kept but are now a disgrace and not fit to use.

It's fine having a lovely City centre (if that ever happens) but we would like where we live to look respectable too and that includes ALL our parks. 

Our council are as bad as the government for spending all out money centrally.

We, and thousands like us, never go to the city centre. When we did, it was for the shops which have mostly gone, and we will never go to sit in a park when we all have one nearer.

It's fine to look after visitors but what about the residents too?


Tinsley rec always looks well tended.

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