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Woodseats Police Station Car Park Always Full Of Patrol Cars


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i go past woodseats police station and the car park that is at the side many times in a week and have noticed its nearly always full of patrol cars? well i say patrol they dont seem to "patrol" anymore like they used to? is it a money saving exercise  , fuel wear and tear or are they sat around waiting for a shout like the fire brigade now? its not shift pattern either as its different times, today was 10am ish. just wondered if anyone else had noticed. 

not having a go at them as they have a difficult job but genuinely interested.

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4 minutes ago, geared said:

Maybe they're storing some extra cars there for other stations?


Unfortunately they get beat up by criminals fairly often, so would need to have a few extra on hand to keep the police mobile when stuff is being repaired.

wouldn't have thought so as its so small and i think they have a dedicated repair garage for police vehicles anyway in rotherham or attercliffe.

1 minute ago, *Wallace* said:

I went past it last week and thought you couldn’t get another cop car in there.

ah so its not just me

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Yes, it's just a car park - I had cause a year or so ago to go and try to report a serious incident - no reply, except to a buzzer which said no officer was available but one would be sent when possible.  Over half an hour later with no response I went home and reported it from there.  The lights were on and there was movement inside, so I think civilian staff work there.

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Showing my age here, I recall police officers being ex National Service who didn’t wish to go back down the pit or steel works, they were generally fit and up for a bit of confrontation. These days they appear to be just another branch of the public sector.

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1 minute ago, crookesey said:

Showing my age here, I recall police officers being ex National Service who didn’t wish to go back down the pit or steel works, they were generally fit and up for a bit of confrontation. These days they appear to be just another branch of the public sector.

Controversial :suspect:


'Didn't wish to go back down't Pit'

but happy for a bit of 'Confrontation' at the gates :blush: :nono:



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