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Is The Human Race Doomed?

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Guest makapaka
6 hours ago, cuttsie said:

It is not the poor people in rubber  boats we should be worried about .

The tax dodgers in Monto Carlo and the British Virgin isles  are robbing our Country of millions .

Absolutely- people have been conditioned to blame the people with nothing rather than those with everything.

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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

Crikey.... and they call me pessimistic.  We could be hit by a meteorite at any minute etc, nothing is forever, but the world evolves and changes all the time, and it will continue to do so with us or without us.


That's not to say we shouldn't care for and protect it and do what we can to mitigate our negative effect on things, but we're now more aware. We're learning and we're trying.


Let's appreciate what we have, and love it.  And that includes each other.  

Sending you love Anna 

5 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

You must be one of the lucky ones who can afford the petrol to get up to 70mph for any length of time :bigsmile:🙃:bigsmile:.

If you'd like to fill my tank I'd gladly join in your survey though :thumbsup:

Joking apart you may well be right, or are we just not using our vehicles as much due to covid restrictions to notice?

As for all those bugs that got me while wearing open face helmets - I hated every one of you :mad:.


Keep safe out there 8) .





The bugs have evolved over the years and now have developed a harder windscreen proof outer shell , so there 

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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

Crikey.... and they call me pessimistic.  We could be hit by a meteorite at any minute etc, nothing is forever, but the world evolves and changes all the time, and it will continue to do so with us or without us.


That's not to say we shouldn't care for and protect it and do what we can to mitigate our negative effect on things, but we're now more aware. We're learning and we're trying.


Let's appreciate what we have, and love it.  And that includes each other.  

It must be because it’s nearly Christmas, it’s a lovely post.

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10 minutes ago, Waldo said:

I think if you consider the net effect humanity as a whole, is having on the planet, there's not much positive about it.


I suspect the planet would be a lot better off without us (or at least, with far fewer of us).

Except we are the only creatures as far as we know able to appreciate the wonder of it all, ruminate about it and contemplate its significance.  

I believe that's important for some reason.

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27 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Except we are the only creatures as far as we know able to appreciate the wonder of it all, ruminate about it and contemplate its significance.  

I believe that's important for some reason.

Perhaps our ability to contemplate and divide things up conceptually, and so to see ourselves as somehow special and separate from the rest of nature, goes some way to explaining our destructive ways?


As regards other creatures, my feeling is Dolphins, Elephants, etc etc, exhibit a pure and holistic kind of awareness that we humans generally don't.


We're able to appreciate the wonder of it all, but surely that includes, to appreciate the destructive consequences of our own actions. Forgive the crude analogy, but it's a bit like letting someone in to an art gallery, who then proceeds to wipe poop all over the beautiful art works. I'm not sure the gallery owner would be impressed.

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9 hours ago, Waldo said:

Perhaps our ability to contemplate and divide things up conceptually, and so to see ourselves as somehow special and separate from the rest of nature, goes some way to explaining our destructive ways?


As regards other creatures, my feeling is Dolphins, Elephants, etc etc, exhibit a pure and holistic kind of awareness that we humans generally don't.


We're able to appreciate the wonder of it all, but surely that includes, to appreciate the destructive consequences of our own actions. Forgive the crude analogy, but it's a bit like letting someone in to an art gallery, who then proceeds to wipe poop all over the beautiful art works. I'm not sure the gallery owner would be impressed.

 I think you're right in that we have become separate and removed from nature, and profoundly arrogant to boot.

Some  see themselves as almost godlike and entitled to take what they want (more than their fair share) with no consideration for others or the planet. 

I think we're back yet again to the division in society between those that genuinely care, and those that don't.

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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

 I think you're right in that we have become separate and removed from nature, and profoundly arrogant to boot.

Some  see themselves as almost godlike and entitled to take what they want (more than their fair share) with no consideration for others or the planet. 

I think we're back yet again to the division in society between those that genuinely care, and those that don't.

This arrogant attitude we have to other species stems from religion which tells us God created this planet for our benefit and created all the other species for our convenience. Religion works by telling people what they want to hear and made humans believe he created us in his image, so we're all human manifestations of God. We became separated from the natural world when we evolved into modern humans. The most plausible explanation I've heard for our evolution is that it was probably a chance encounter between tribes of particularly intelligent apes who passed their intelligence on to their offspring and this eventually led to the appearance of the first hominids, which slowly led to the appearance of modern humans. We're an evolutionary blip who were never part of nature's grand plan and are now waging war on the natural world instead of being part of it.

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