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Gerrin Engaged .


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51 minutes ago, Meltman said:

Exactly.....makes really good reading....and brings back memories. 


Yes,I love the Yorkshire accent. When my youngest son who lives in Sheffield phones his elder brother who works in Washington DC, the office is full of Americans. When his younger brother leaves him a message, the American co- workers tell his elder brother “ Your brother phoned up from Sheffield and left a message, but sorry we couldn t understand a word he was saying ! “

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2 hours ago, Jim117 said:

Rockers rule, are you secretly Ogri? 😂

Not quite, but do have a rather impressive 8 1/2 inch :blush: tattoo :blush: of Ogri, taken from the April 1979 front cover of 'Bike' magazine on my leg.

(impressive, because I did it my self & many years later (1992) was lucky enough to have the tattoo featured in 'Bike' magazine 🧐)


See the source image


Don't all line up, put my Tattoo gear away, years ago.

Keep safe 8).

Edited by Rockers rule
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1 hour ago, pattricia said:


Yes,I love the Yorkshire accent. When my youngest son who lives in Sheffield phones his elder brother who works in Washington DC, the office is full of Americans. When his younger brother leaves him a message, the American co- workers tell his elder brother “ Your brother phoned up from Sheffield and left a message, but sorry we couldn t understand a word he was saying ! “

I know what they mean. When on one of my visits to the USA I had shop assistants asking me to say something "because your accent is so lovely " but can you please speak slowly so we can understand you!

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1 hour ago, Meltman said:

I know what they mean. When on one of my visits to the USA I had shop assistants asking me to say something "because your accent is so lovely " but can you please speak slowly so we can understand you!

When my son, who lives and works in America tells his American friends that he originally comes from Sheffield, England, they ask him “ Oh, is that between London and Scotland ?” 

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1 hour ago, pattricia said:

When my son, who lives and works in America tells his American friends that he originally comes from Sheffield, England, they ask him “ Oh, is that between London and Scotland ?” 

Yes, they are good eh! Mind you we have some who ask "funny " questions. At a family funeral earlier this year a few miles from Brighton I was asked "is Sheffield in the North, is it further up than Lincolnshire "?

It makes you wonder!

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Bravo Rockers great picture, haven’t seen the old lad in years 👍 Regarding the topic of coooorting it was gone when I was a young man back in the 80’s, in my circles at least. Meet a lass in the Wap, Rebels or the White Lion at Heeley and chances were you’d have gone from vertical to horizontal within a day or two. Still not married though have been with our lass over 20 years now.

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Ex girlfriend who worked in telesales so put on a poshish voice was once told her Sheffield accent was lovely but very broad Yorkshire , she replied "you should hear my blokes Sheffield accent ".   Talkin of gerrin engaged , I once asked her fatha  if I could have her hand , he replied " why not you had had every other part of her " 😁

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