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Are You Fed Up With Cookery Programmes ?


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2 hours ago, BigAl1 said:

do you think she will post a new thread again in a months time? clearly she has nothing better to do with her time apart from trying to up her score of posts

She's only copying the Television company's, by posting repeats.

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23 hours ago, altus said:

Nonsense -  TV producers love a good character. His programmes were shown on one of the old programmes channels (Yesterday?) not so long ago.

I know we get Floyd's old shows on repeats, what I was suggesting is a chef like Floyd with his attitude to drinking etc, wouldn't get within spitting distance of a programme commissioning office these days. 


Tv producers might like a character but they certainly don't want a maverick or loose cannon.  

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23 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Can anyone remember that mad cooking show/skit that was on late at night that was basically students making beans on toast?


I think it was on channel 4 


Had a mad bloke shouting over the top of it and crazy electric guitar music? 

This was the best cooking show on TV 😁



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23 hours ago, pattricia said:

Also talk shows aren’t as good as Parkinson and Wogans were. Every question seems to be pre- planned, as though theve discussed the whole programme beforehand.

I've got a couple of old Parkinson's to watch at some stage.  BBC 4 on Saturday night are re-running compilations of his old shows from the 70's & 80's. 


The ones I got to watch feature Peter Cook & Dudley Moore, while the other has Tommy Cooper & Frankie Howard. 


Apparently, Howard wouldn't go on Parkinson unless he had all the questions in advance so that he could 'spontaneously' provide ad libs.  So maybe things haven't changed that much? 

Edited by Baron99
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20 hours ago, hackey lad said:

They should bring back Fanny 

And of course Fanny's husband, Johnnie Craddock's, classic end of piece to camera, just after Fanny had shown everyone how to make doughnuts;


'And may all your doughnuts turn out like Fanny's."

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11 hours ago, Baron99 said:

I've got a couple of old Parkinson's to watch at some stage.  BBC 4 on Saturday night are re-running compilations of his old shows from the 70's & 80's. 


The ones I got to watch feature Peter Cook & Dudley Moore, while the other has Tommy Cooper & Frankie Howard. 


Apparently, Howard wouldn't go on Parkinson unless he had all the questions in advance so that he could 'spontaneously' provide ad libs.  So maybe things haven't changed that much? 

They haven't. In the majority talk shows have always been nothing more than avenue to plug some show, film, book or event. 


There has always been a power struggle between host and guest as to what, how and when things can be asked. Failing which they risk  a guest refusing to answer, walking out leaving the host hanging or vowing never appear on their talk show again.


Producers know that big-name guests are the key to attracting viewers and if they are antagonised or alienated they will simply not appear and neither will any of their showbiz friends..... proper catch 22.


At the very least, British talk shows do attempt to liven things up a bit with the format, content and style. If you watch any of the American talk shows they really are nothing more than a glorified publicity junket.  They don't even try pretend is nothing more than plugging a product over there.


Back on topic, the reason for the wealth of cookery shows is simple economics. They are cheap to make and they bizarrely attract massive amounts of viewers. Why would a network spend ridiculous money producing some highly crafted drama when a cheapo Homebase Kitchen and some glorified short order Cook shoved front of the camera can get just as many viewers.


Even in the online world, just have a quick look at YouTube and see how many cooking channels or food-based videos there are which attract viewing numbers that the television networks would be in absolute awe of.  No expensive Studios, no teams of highly paid cameraman and technicians and lighting, no six-figure contracts for ego filled presenters....  just somebody with a camcorder propped up in their kitchen raking in the ad sense dollars.  


I have often wondered how much of the watching cookery translates into the doing it. Surely it seems crazy that cooking tv shows are extremely popular and yet orders on food delivery apps and takeaway services are equally through the roof.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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3 hours ago, Baron99 said:

And of course Fanny's husband, Johnnie Craddock's, classic end of piece to camera, just after Fanny had shown everyone how to make doughnuts;


'And may all your doughnuts turn out like Fanny's."

I think thats an urban legend but still funny " and you too can have donuts that look like Fannys " 

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5 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

They haven't. In the majority talk shows have always been nothing more than avenue to plug some show, film, book or event. 


There has always been a power struggle between host and guest as to what, how and when things can be asked. Failing which they risk  a guest refusing to answer, walking out leaving the host hanging or vowing never appear on their talk show again.


Producers know that big-name guests are the key to attracting viewers and if they they are antagonised or alienated they will simply not appear and neither will any of their showbiz friends..... proper catch 22.


At the very least, British talk shows do attempt to liven things up a bit with the format, content and style. If you watch any of the American talk shows they really are nothing more than a glorified publicity junket.  They don't even try pretend is nothing more than plugging a product over there.


Back on topic, the reason for the wealth of cookery shows is simple economics. They are cheap to make and they bizarrely attract massive amounts of viewers. Why would a network spend ridiculous money producing some highly crafted drama when a cheapo Homebase Kitchen and some glorified short order Cook shoved front of the camera can get just as many viewers.


Even in the online world, just have a quick look at YouTube and see how many cooking channels or food-based videos there are which attract viewing numbers that the television networks would be in absolute awe of.  No expensive Studios, no teams of highly paid cameraman and technicians and lighting, no six-figure contracts for ego filled presenters....  just somebody with a camcorder propped up in their kitchen raking in the ad sense dollars.  


I have often wondered how much of the watching cookery translates into the doing it. Surely it seems crazy that cooking tv shows are extremely popular and yet orders on food delivery apps and takeaway services are equally through the roof.

Yes because younger generanations can't cook won't cook,  can't blame em  tho, for example, why do all the  messing about doing a sunday lunch when its cheap in pubs ect.

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On 16/01/2022 at 11:35, nikki-red said:

You were fed of of them a month ago Pat, maybe it would’ve been an idea to just stop watching them then?





She also carried on watching the "worst programme on TV" in another thread, but I am sure me pointing this out will lead to someone accusing me of "picking on her" again.

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