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Every Thing Is Going Up .

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1 hour ago, PRESLEY said:

Can't be much goin up, theres hardly owt on shevles in a lot of shops, Asda, Aldi ect. :gag:

Thats odd. Just been shopping in ASDA and a few other shops and the shelves are almost full. Lots of shoppers too. As for rising prices ASDA seem to but putting everything up.

Edited by Dromedary
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22 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Did anyone think anything other than price increases during the pandemic?

It isn't the virus which has put up prices, it's the suppression strategies and the allevation mechanisms, mainly the furlough payments. 

In a different scenario (suppression without furlough) it is entirely possible we could have had lower inflation as it is driven by demand, and if people are short of money or worried for their jobs and stop spending demand goes down and so do prices.

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30 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I was not a thatcher fan, but, I tell you what, I really wish she'd been in charge for the last two years. She was strong leader not just bending to what the opinion pols said (about Covid mainly) and she was also a trained scientist, and would have know that scientists have differing views, and are not always right anyway, Most importantly she wouldn't have come out with this cobblers about "we're led by the science" i.e. the scientists are making the decisions. She knew, and stated frequently, it's the politicians who are making the decisions, and they are political decisions.

Absolutely.   I'm pretty sure she was quoted as saying quite categorically that..... Advisers advise, Ministers decide.

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1 hour ago, Dromedary said:

Thats odd. Just been shopping in ASDA and a few other shops and the shelves are almost full. Lots of shoppers too. As for rising prices ASDA seem to but putting everything up.

You can't have gone to the Asda at Handsworth especìally the crisp isle,  it was like Mother Hubbards cupboard. :hihi:

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6 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

You can't have gone to the Asda at Handsworth especìally the crisp isle,  it was like Mother Hubbards cupboard. :hihi:

Seems the same in a lot of supermarket crisp aisles, dunno why crisps in particular are in such short supply. Loads of them in the local shop though, and the pub, so no need to panic buy them just yet 😀

1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

I was not a thatcher fan, but, I tell you what, I really wish she'd been in charge for the last two years. She was strong leader not just bending to what the opinion pols said (about Covid mainly) and she was also a trained scientist, and would have know that scientists have differing views, and are not always right anyway, Most importantly she wouldn't have come out with this cobblers about "we're led by the science" i.e. the scientists are making the decisions. She knew, and stated frequently, it's the politicians who are making the decisions, and they are political decisions.

I'd happily have any of the prime ministers from the past 40 years over the joker we currently have.

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4 hours ago, Chekhov said:

My cable supplier is putting up their prices by 18% (EIGHTEEN PERCENT...) in January. Most of my other suppliers have put up their prices twice this year by smaller amounts to gross up to about the same.

This post on UKBUSINESSFORUMS is very worrying about the prospects for the economy, it's saying not only is inflation going to go through the roof (and they cannot really use interest rates to stem it, not without massive damage) but the stock market is overvalued by up to 69%.....

The FTSE 100 cyclically adjusted PE ratio (CAPE) is close to its long-term average. All the money that we have pumped into QE means that Sterling is historically low, a low value of Sterling helps attact foreign money into the FTSE.

I am no expert, but the FTSE was higher in Jan 2018 than it is today.

Our economy may well be poor, but I have no clue if a crash is due, it does not appear overvalued by so much.

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1 hour ago, Bargepole23 said:

Seems the same in a lot of supermarket crisp aisles, dunno why crisps in particular are in such short supply. Loads of them in the local shop though, and the pub, so no need to panic buy them just yet 😀

I'd happily have any of the prime ministers from the past 40 years over the joker we currently have.

The other isle's seemed to be well stocked but passing the crisp isle I noticed it was almost bare apart from a few packs of Wots its, at that stage I  didn't panic because I was calling into Aldi to get my fix. :hihi: agreed that Jokers time is up at No10.

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2 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

I'd happily have any of the prime ministers from the past 40 years over the joker we currently have.

Well yes, and no.

I cannot stand BoJo, never could. BUT, if any of the Labour lot were in charge we'd have had masks and vaccine passports right through from last July......

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Just now, Chekhov said:

Well yes, and no.

I cannot stand BoJo, never could. BUT, if any of the Labour lot were in charge we'd have had masks and vaccine passports right through from last July......

Would we still have had over 100,000 covid-related deaths ?

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

The FTSE 100 cyclically adjusted PE ratio (CAPE) is close to its long-term average. All the money that we have pumped into QE means that Sterling is historically low, a low value of Sterling helps attact foreign money into the FTSE.

I am no expert, but the FTSE was higher in Jan 2018 than it is today.

Our economy may well be poor, but I have no clue if a crash is due, it does not appear overvalued by so much.

Did you read that linked to post ?

I don't think that graph was absolute stock valuation, isn't it the ratio of Market Value to GDP ratio ?

Whatever, the basic fact that the economy was seriously suppressed for months on and (and, to a certain extent it still is) whilst at the same time they pumped Billions into the pockets of the British people, means a big comeupance will occur. How can it not do ?

3 minutes ago, The Joker said:

Would we still have had over 100,000 covid-related deaths ?

Almost certainly. Scotland and Wales have had the type of government (Covid wise) that Labour would have been like, and their Covid figures are pretty much the same as ours.

France has had more draconian restrictions than us and their death rate isn't that much better than ours.

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