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What's The Solution To Misinformation?

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40 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Its not conjecture I took the decision not to have the vaccine for the same reason I have never had a flu vaccine - the illness is not a big enough threat to me personally to warrant one, a year on and I have seen nothing that changes that view.

fingers crossed you're right, i'm sure the guy that you have up as your Avatar, will  have thought the same back in April.


as a healthy 46 year old ex pro footballer and the current wednesday manager he didn't seem to fit the profile of at any serious risk,     https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/darren-moore-covid-fighting-life-25335658

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2 minutes ago, steve68 said:

fingers crossed you're right, i'm sure the guy that you have up as your Avatar, will  have thought the same back in April.


as a healthy 46 year old ex pro footballer and the current wednesday manager he didn't seem to fit the profile of at any serious risk,     https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/darren-moore-covid-fighting-life-25335658

I drive a car every day, how many die in those, should I walk in future or accept that life has a few risks.

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Just now, onewheeldave said:

They're not mutually exclusive. Generally goading is seen as humerous by the person/group doing it- it is still goading.

Obviously if there's room for a negative interpretation of a post you'll be sure to wring one out of it.

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On 09/12/2021 at 12:18, Carbuncle said:

The spread of misinformation has been causing a lot of problems recently. Politics in the US would seem to have been polarising in an alarming manner driven by the misperception that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen amongst other things. In regards to covid a small but significant fraction of people would appear to believe that the disease is an order of magnitude less deadly than it actually is ('it's just the sniffles'). An overlapping segment believe that the fantastic covid vaccines that we now have are either very much less effective or very much less safe than they actually are. The consequences of belief in this covid misinformation in terms of death and disease are terrible.


Central to the problem of misinformation seems to be our relationship with politicians, news media and the internet. Politicians and journalists are widely regarded as untrustworthy because they have frequently proved to be untrustworthy. Thus one of the main routes for the correction of misinformation is tainted. Meanwhile misinformation spreads rapidly through the internet from dubious sources via people who seem not to have considered very carefully the material they are linking to.

Is there any way to improve the situation?

Do we need (more) censorship? If we do who should we trust to perform this function?

Do we need new legal penalties for those who spread misinformation?

Is there some way to make our news media more trustworthy and presumably thereby more trusted? What about our politicians?

Could better education help? Why are some people so poor at assessing information and evidence? Why do they so willingly retransmit misinformation?

Alternatively, will 'the system' right itself, evolving to something more functional, as individuals adjust to the changing information landscape?

There is an irony to this post.

Carbuncle, on another thread, said this of me :


How would you cope with misinformation? (I take it for granted that you'll recall I feel you are a covid misinformationalist.)


Yet when I complained and asked for an exact example so I could give my sources and rebut that claim, none ever came....

So what he actually means is anyone posting information, particularly any information which may be correct but could be interpreted more than one way (and many statistics are subject to that),  and that doesn't conform to his agenda, is "misinformation".

Thus proving the concept of misinformation is, to a large extent, subjective. To some people at least.

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5 minutes ago, SFBeca said:

@onewheeldave not deleted, merged into one covid thread, and then a new thread started as the other was over 1000 pages. this happens with other threads too, if there are numerous of the same topic, no change in moderation at all. 

similar to the no change in moderation - if a report is put in it is looked into and appropriate action taken, I don't go actively moderating as it always has been. 

As an autistic person it is extremely disorientating when threads I'm involved in are locked, even if they are later merged with another thread. Personally I have no issue with multiple threads that include to some extent the same topic. The threads in question were all on sufficuently different emphases to justify being seperate, and, for me, easy to keep up with- unlike the situation now.

As for moderation- I have used sf for several years and basically quit for a stretch purely due to the abysmal moderation [moderators not addressing the spiteful name calling/ad hominem attacks until the thread got well out of hand, and then locking/deleting/merging them].

Recently, since the change in ownership, things have been improved with no apparent moderation team and little evidence of any moderation.

The last few weeks that has clearly changed, especially with the covid threads, and we seem to be heading right back to the old model.



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4 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I drive a car every day, how many die in those, should I walk in future or accept that life has a few risks.


Labour journalist and campaigner Mike Buckley stated "all secondary school pupils [all 3 million of them] wearing masks would be worth it to save one life".
The obvious question is, if he'd go that far to save one life, how far would he go to save 2000 odd ? 
Which is about the number killed on the roads every year.....
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I've just explained that there has been no change - there might have been way more posts re covid and you've noticed the change as I have had to merge threads that were far too similar in subject. Any that are slightly different have been left to continue discussions.

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It's deeply amusing that those who cry the most about over-moderation and censorship now actually propose that someone's post be edited to remove the information from that post that triggered them into fresh cries about over-moderation and censorship.  Utterly fascinating.

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