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What's The Solution To Misinformation?

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9 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Yes, this wouldn't surprise me either. But I can say from personal experience masks are a great hazzard to clear communication, especially to the elderly who occupy the majority of beds and may well have problems with hearing.

But it's not just patient to nurse, but nurse to nurse, doctor to doctor etc. Communication in general seems to be a big problem in the NHS already without masks adding to the problem.

I agree 100%, and it will affect their recruitment (that's NHS staff and care home staff if they also get snared by this, though there's less chance for them I think), who wants to wear a mask all day every day for the rest of their lives ?

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Don't know what you mean.

You appear to be saying I am being inconsistent because I have mentioned Covid in a  "non Covid thread".

You have got the wrong end of the stick as I think Covid is probably relevant in pretty much any thread.

It is the biggest thing in the world, BY FAR, particularly as it is setting a very dangerous precedent for what will happen in the future with so much in our lives. As an example,  you may know I am on record as saying I think it probable that all hospital staff and most of the patients (including pretty much all outpatients), will have to wear masks forever now. 

I would LOVE to be proved wrong, but I worry I am not.

The posts I quoted, 2234 was mine , 2235 was you changing my post . Please stop doing this 

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3 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Apparently Twitter is putting a block on anyone saying that you can spread Covid 19 even if you are double jabbed even though that is a fact!

Must be a different Twitter to the one that I use.


They even have a link to the NHS advice that clearly states that you can still spread it.

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On 12/12/2021 at 22:11, hackey lad said:

The posts I quoted, 2234 was mine , 2235 was you changing my post . Please stop doing this 

Your post 2234 (which, I assume, was an answer to the post above, which was about Covid) was :

>>Are there any threads that have not been infected by this ?<<


My quote of your post (on 2235) was :

>>Are there any threads that have not been infected by this ? [Covid]<<


TBH I cannot understand what you are going on about. If you think there is a problem complain to the mods

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On 11/12/2021 at 07:47, Hecate said:

Strong belief can be extremely resistant to modification because adherence to that belief is sometimes motivated by factors beyond genuine interest in and curiosity about a subject. 


Consequently, belief often isn't compatible with the uncertainty, challenge and change which is the very essence of science.  That's why someone who's changed their position over a period of time to accommodate new evidence, particularly if that person is an expert in their field, is viewed by some as weak or a liar and a shill.


Those with belief do ignore conflicting evidence ('facts' is an interesting choice of word here).  That might be because the belief is core to who they are:  the QAnon people, for example, and adherents to much of the 'wellness' industry where belief is a lifestyle choice.  Or it might be due to lack of experience, background and understanding which, coupled with arrogance and cast iron self belief, leads to impregnable ignorance. 


You can't 'do you own research' and objectively weigh conflicting evidence and data if you don't have the background to understand what it is you're trying to research.  And the less experience you have in an area the greater the difficulty in appreciating just how scant your knowledge is.

Good points there. I don't know what you think, but I would like to see schools teach some basic philosophy. Not hardcore stuff like Descartes but some fairly basic scepticism including the difference between knowledge and belief. It seems a lot of people see them as more or less the same thing, which I think makes them more susceptible to misinformation and poor thinking in general.

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23 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Your post 2234 (which, I assume, was an answer to the post above, which was about Covid) was :

>>Are there any threads that have not been infected by this ?<<


My quote of your post (on 2235) was :

>>Are there any threads that have not been infected by this ? [Covid]<<


TBH I cannot understand what you are going on about. If you think there is a problem complain to the mods

My post was not about Covid , you presumed it was and added to it 

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Latest piece of (government) misinformation :


"We are in a different place this winter due to the booster campaign"


That is misinformation, what the liar (BoJo) should have said is :


"We are in a different place this winter due to the vaccine programme"


Compared to the original vaccine programme (two doses for all those at significant risk from Covid) a booster programme within 9 to 12 months (or indeed vaccinating healthy people under 40) is marginal.


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9 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

My post was not about Covid , you presumed it was and added to it 

So what exactly did you mean by :

Are there any threads that have not been infected by this ?

(Particularly when the post above was talking about Covid....)

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46 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Your post 2234 (which, I assume, was an answer to the post above, which was about Covid) was :

>>Are there any threads that have not been infected by this ?<<


My quote of your post (on 2235) was :

>>Are there any threads that have not been infected by this ? [Covid]<<


TBH I cannot understand what you are going on about. If you think there is a problem complain to the mods

Perhaps in future you should put your presumed context outside the post you quote. That way there would be no scope for mistakes about who was responsible for it.

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