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What's The Solution To Misinformation?

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43 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Scholars Now Believe Mary And Joseph Were Denied Room In The Inn Due To Being Unvaxxed


Biblical scholars have uncovered a dusty old scroll that turned out to be a record of Jesus's birth. According to the ancient writing, Mary and Joseph were actually denied room in the inn because they were unvaxxed.


“The record reveals the reason why they were denied a room in the inn, clear as a shining star in the East,” said scriptural historian Bart Madson. “The Holy Family’s vaccination status banned them from going indoors, according to the mandate at the time.”


The ancient writ describes Joseph and Mary approaching the inn’s entrance, exhausted from their long journey to Bethlehem, and Mary being great with child. The warm comfort of the inn’s door was quickly blocked by Karenekiah, a mask-wearing pharisee who smelled like hand sanitizer, demanding proof of vaccination.


When Joseph explained the family’s natural immunity due to the virus already passing through their family, he was mocked and ridiculed by the pharisee as being “anti-science” and a “Samaritan.”


The Pharisee then sent them away, according to the record. As they turned to leave, the innkeeper came out and apologized for the inconvenience, but that “Karen” was there to enforce the vaccine mandate, and that he had no choice.


“You always have a choice,” said Mary.


The innkeeper gave a long, tired sigh, according to the dusty scrolls, then motioned for the young family to follow him to the nearby stable, where they were made as comfortable as possible.


The rest of the story can be found in another book, available to everyone.



About as funny as catching covid.

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Just now, Jack Grey said:

Scholars Now Believe Mary And Joseph Were Denied Room In The Inn Due To Being Unvaxxed


Biblical scholars have uncovered a dusty old scroll that turned out to be a record of Jesus's birth. According to the ancient writing, Mary and Joseph were actually denied room in the inn because they were unvaxxed.


“The record reveals the reason why they were denied a room in the inn, clear as a shining star in the East,” said scriptural historian Bart Madson. “The Holy Family’s vaccination status banned them from going indoors, according to the mandate at the time.”


The ancient writ describes Joseph and Mary approaching the inn’s entrance, exhausted from their long journey to Bethlehem, and Mary being great with child. The warm comfort of the inn’s door was quickly blocked by Karenekiah, a mask-wearing pharisee who smelled like hand sanitizer, demanding proof of vaccination.


When Joseph explained the family’s natural immunity due to the virus already passing through their family, he was mocked and ridiculed by the pharisee as being “anti-science” and a “Samaritan.”


The Pharisee then sent them away, according to the record. As they turned to leave, the innkeeper came out and apologized for the inconvenience, but that “Karen” was there to enforce the vaccine mandate, and that he had no choice.


“You always have a choice,” said Mary.


The innkeeper gave a long, tired sigh, according to the dusty scrolls, then motioned for the young family to follow him to the nearby stable, where they were made as comfortable as possible.


The rest of the story can be found in another book, available to everyone.



The irony is that they were commanded to go to their place of birth, in order to pay government taxes.


On leaving Joseph, just a joiner, but the having common sense of a good tradesman, called to Karenakiah, "Hey don't forget you are a public servant, you are supposed to help us."


Karen rolls her eyes, at this peon's rural ignorance, and says. in her best schoolmarm voice, "You people don't understand how government works!  You work for US! We tell YOU what to do, or you go to jail"


But Joseph gave her the finger, and an angel came down, and said "Be kind Joseph, forgive them for they know not what they do".


Joseph agreed, "You got that f.....g right!

Edited by trastrick
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39 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

It must be true because ive posted the source of the material 



People like to see source material so they can evaluate the source.


It's like the 9/11 truthers all over again and the quoted "experts" such as various architects /  engineers / pilots for 9/11 truth whose members had never worked on high rise buildings or flown commercial aircraft. The funniest were those who thought Newtons Third Law meant that the aircraft should have bounced off the buildings.

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Mums telling their children to be honest and not lie...like they used to do back in the day

5 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

I'm not sure this is right. For example, conspiracy theorists are quite capable of finding each others' nonsense online and quite capable of dismissing more sensible sources of information which are much more prominent.

too right, strangely ive tried googling for certain things that Dr Tops has mentioned and never come up with any of the small "truth seeker" sites he must use, they are either hidden well, or are that small and have that small amount of visitors they arent being picked up on the search engines very well....hmmmm


im sure the "truthseekers" though will tell you they are being silenced, censored

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58 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Mums telling their children to be honest and not lie...like they used to do back in the day

too right, strangely ive tried googling for certain things that Dr Tops has mentioned and never come up with any of the small "truth seeker" sites he must use, they are either hidden well, or are that small and have that small amount of visitors they arent being picked up on the search engines very well....hmmmm


im sure the "truthseekers" though will tell you they are being silenced, censored

It'll be social media - facebook  / twitter threads or something similar - maybe using the TOR browser.

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The uneducated, the marginalised, and the plain stupid believe any old rubbish that fits with their worldview that things are conspiring against them.


They take a lot of pride in  having  this special and easy to acquire knowledge.


More education, a fairer society and possibly eugenics is the answer.

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11 minutes ago, Norbert said:

The uneducated, the marginalised, and the plain stupid believe any old rubbish that fits with their worldview that things are conspiring against them.


They take a lot of pride in  having  this special and easy to acquire knowledge.


More education, a fairer society and possibly eugenics is the answer.

There are plenty of educated people who tell lies and misinform ! The answer to the question of finding a solution to misinformation is , there isn't one, it can't be done, people have always told lies and always will, some tell more than others and some are more convincing than others, even claims of a fairer society and better education being an answer are often driven by misinformation by the misinformed.

Edited by Michael_W
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44 minutes ago, Michael_W said:

There are plenty of educated people who tell lies and misinform ! The answer to the question of finding a solution to misinformation is , there isn't one, it can't be done, people have always told lies and always will, some tell more than others and some are more convincing than others, even claims of a fairer society and better education being an answer are often driven by misinformation by the misinformed.

Theyre usually the ones making up the lies, the uneducated tend to believe cos they need something to believe in

The old cannon fodder technique

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