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Who Should Replace Boris Johnson?

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On 20/01/2022 at 16:33, ECCOnoob said:

It already is a suitable modern workplace.  It employs thousands in offices all over the city and wider UK.   The Chamber is just a tiny, but most interesting, part of the process and that's what gets focused on.  Its the same way as the visually archaic court room is just a tiny speck of the legal world.  


All these easy armchair statements about reform are well and good but there are obvious flaws.


Who actually gets to be that strong leader?  What then stops them dominating and pushing their own agenda and agendas of their privileged followers and yes men........just like now.   Human nature chooses sides and loyalty is open to reward no matter what system.  


Who then decides exactly what is deemed common good. Good for whom?   A government can't give the people everything they want nor let business and corporations have free ride.  There has to be a balance so who gets precedence?   How does that  then play out on the global stage where we are always going to be in competition no matter how much we as an individual nation try to reform - countries like China and emerging nations certainly won't share.  


Then, what makes so called 'ordinary' people.  Jobs, background, income level, qualifications.  Putting aside that so called "real world" down to earth lifestyle does not magically equal advanced skills required to run the country, how does one differentiate what is real word experience.  Catch  all stereotypes like "wealthy" for example could mean very different things to someone living/working near Burnley with a £50k salary and comfortable 4 bed house when compared to someone on £50k in Belgravia, strugggling to pay rent for their micro-bedsit with shared bathroom.   


There are 650 elected representatives in the House of Commons and we cannot get so distracted by the few headliners.  Reform is one thing which I agree should be regularly considered but let's not sell it like its some magical transforming victory for the working classes.   Let's not continually belittle the educated and well paid as some evil scurge on society which seems to frequently be the underlying agenda being pushed.


Quite frankly, I want educated, experienced, qualified people in charge.  What I don't want is Bob the bus driver who knows nothing about anything playing politician.


Angela Rayner has given an example of a politician with the common touch and boy does she live up to 

All fair comments. Not that l agree with everything. 

However don't you think that a system that represents less than half the population needs some changes? People's needs have never been so diverse, and frankly they're now becoming a matter of life and death for some people, (though you probably don't think so.) They need somebody fighting their corner.

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12 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Just seen her antics on the news talking to the Russians,  better get a tin helmet  and dig a hole in your garden.  The Russians are coming.   :hihi:

We can’t handle the Russian Mafia in London, let alone understand what’s going on over there, best keep our noses out of other folks business, remember Afghanistan and Iraq.

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11 minutes ago, crookesey said:

We can’t handle the Russian Mafia in London, let alone understand what’s going on over there, best keep our noses out of other folks business, remember Afghanistan and Iraq.

Truss did not go to Moscow for meddling à la Iraq or Afghanistan.


She  went to Moscow for campaigning. Her Premiership campaign within the Conservative party.


Lavrov, for all his and Putin’s faults, called it exactly right. She wasn’t briefed enough, and wasted his time.

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6 hours ago, L00b said:

Truss did not go to Moscow for meddling à la Iraq or Afghanistan.


She  went to Moscow for campaigning. Her Premiership campaign within the Conservative party.


Lavrov, for all his and Putin’s faults, called it exactly right. She wasn’t briefed enough, and wasted his time.

She came across looking like a complete fool but the world because of Boris's capers expect nothing more from a country run by baffoons,  we are an embarrassment around the world. 

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