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Can A Man And A Woman Be Close Friends.

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Men and women can be just good friends, but, as this is more and more accepted, it must make asking a woman out a lot more awkward.

"When I was a lad", if a bloke asked a woman out for a drink (or whatever) certain things were understood, i.e. you fancied her and were trying to find out of you'd get on, and, if she accepted, vice verse. Now one cannot be sure that is the message at all, and all kinds of misunderstandings could emanate from that...... I don't envy my lad having to go through all that in today's more complicated times. I do sometimes wonder if that is part of the reason internet dating is more popular now.

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7 hours ago, cuttsie said:

I have a pal who I have known for many years , We have been to the pub together over the years, cycling, football matches , day trips and so on .

This mate of mine is a woman


To be just friends, that means that its understood that you dont fancy each other. Is one of you very attractive and the other ugly or very fat and very thin, or very short and very tall.

Anyone that has/had a shag friend is game?

5 hours ago, cuttsie said:

The thing we all have in common is politics , we are all left of Trotsky and we met at a political meeting in the 80's .

So no probs in the domestic scene , no tongues allowed .

So you are all idealists and wouldnt break the rules for extra sex?

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6 hours ago, pattricia said:

A man and woman can become close friends if the man is gay. I have a good friend who is gay and we have been close friends for years.

Seriously?? So you honestly think it's impossible for a straight man and straight woman to have a purely platonic friendship.


So every time you see a man/woman friendship, where one party is not gay, you instantly determine that they must clearly be banging each other 🙄

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