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Foul Weather

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I remember when I was a lad, we had something called "snow" that came in November, and often stayed until February.  It was so cold that you wore as much clothing as you could to go out, and big "wellingtons" - rubber boots that came up to your knees.  Even then, this snow often came over the top as you trudged through the stuff on your way to work/school/shops etc. 


They took forever to dry, as nobody we knew had central heating then, so you had to place them the right distance from the fire so they didn't melt, but the warm air could get inside to dry them, steam coming from them.  If they were really wet, you stored them filled with crumpled up newspaper first to soak up as much as possible.


We always woke with ice on the inside of our windows - no double-glazing in those days, and the temperatures were often well below zero.


Before you went out, you made totally sure your face was dry - if not, the cold got in and you got nasty sores.  You were unlucky if you had a cold, as you ended up with icicles from your nostrils.


Just checked the weather, and its +9 degrees, and it's been raining - wow!

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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I was gonna pop into town to get my haircut this morning but i looked out the window at the fog & the rain and thought it can wait a few days


Apparently its going to be about 15 degrees on Thursday.....i might get the BBQ out  😁

Got 22c and drinking pints outside in the sun. Will be joining you shortly though ☹️

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i remember ice on the windows,lino on the bedroom floor,you got in bed quick and got dressed quick in them days ,school seemed warm,but 1963 it snowed every day for months,the pipes iced up as well,but we lived best we could and please note i lived on reney ave a new build council house,it must of been awfull in the slums back then.but every one worked,one final note i always admired the blokes showing grit from the back of a lorry ,back then , no auto gritters then,that must of been graft

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19 minutes ago, bassett one said:

i remember ice on the windows,lino on the bedroom floor,you got in bed quick and got dressed quick in them days ,school seemed warm,but 1963 it snowed every day for months,the pipes iced up as well,but we lived best we could and please note i lived on reney ave a new build council house,it must of been awfull in the slums back then.but every one worked,one final note i always admired the blokes showing grit from the back of a lorry ,back then , no auto gritters then,that must of been graft

Indeed. Winters in England have always been pretty horrible, and they seem to get more miserable as you get older. But Spring will come and we will appreciate it all the more for having endured winter.


Personally I think people are missing their holidays in the sun; two weeks of glorious sunshine abroad with blue seas and even bluer skies. That's the trouble with holidays in the UK, you can never be sure of the weather at any time of year, and two weeks of very expensive rain in August is the last straw.

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4 hours ago, bassett one said:

i remember ice on the windows,lino on the bedroom floor,you got in bed quick and got dressed quick in them days ,school seemed warm,but 1963 it snowed every day for months,the pipes iced up as well,but we lived best we could and please note i lived on reney ave a new build council house,it must of been awfull in the slums back then.but every one worked,one final note i always admired the blokes showing grit from the back of a lorry ,back then , no auto gritters then,that must of been graft

Lino on the bedroom floor , luxury . We had broken glass

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