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Getting Sheffield Memories Back

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Hi was born and raised in Sheffield, I now live in Lincolnshire.


In March of this year I had a cardiac arrest, fortunately I survived with very little damage.


Because I have suffered a brain injury, today I have spent some time looking at Google street maps, of my previously familiar areas of Sheffield, I left sometime ago, but how the city has changed.


Most notable to me was how trees have grown, Sheffield was always (in my time, 1962 - 1989) a green city, but now it seems even more so.


My area of Sheffield was S2. I know it is a long time since I left, sadly I also lost contact with my family, I continued working in Sheffield until the early 1990s


Did I miss Sheffield at the time I left?  No, I had met a lovely woman and one of us needed to move.

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Well at least you didn’t move to Leeds 😀 good to hear you’re on the mend pal I don’t know which part of Sheffield 2 you were from but the Millennium Park is a nice green area the place at the side of Eastbank Road is probably covered in quad bike tracks but is still mostly green and Meersbrook Park has park problems as they all do but can be a good place for a dog walk etc.

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I lived in Sheffield from my birth  in 1932 until I joined the RN in 1949. I have lived in Plymouth now for many years. Last year I went back to Sheffield & visited all the places I lived in & all the schools i went to. The remark on the growth of trees is so apt, streets looked unfamiliar because the trees & hedges had grown so much. Standing in the city centre the City Hall had disappeared behind an erruption of greenery & it looked wonderful. The old dirty, smokey City has been transformed. I'm glad you are recovering , all the best for the future.

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