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Luxury Communism

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24 minutes ago, Waldo said:

I would think most people desire a better future, both for themselves and others. I guess people have different ideas on how best to achieve that, what the most practical way forward is.


For me, main issue we face is too much power (decision making etc) in the hands of too few people, who are often corrupt or incompetent to the job. I’m pleased to see the development of decentralised technology (block chain) and with the advent of Web 3.0; we’re moving from control and power in the hands of the few (governments and companies), towards control in the hands of the individual. I feel this technological revolution is unstoppable, and will have a massive impact on society.

I agree with all of this.

I think we need to ask ourselves how it came about. And change it.


Personally though, I do feel a bit wary of giving all control to machines/AI


5 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

The technological revolution I think it has already peaked and is slowing down. It is and has been very overhyped as it is a good story when it comes to fiction. The  same goes for AI and the use of Robots as that is just futuristic story telling. We have greater things to worry about for now as we have recently seen with viruses, the impact of global warming and the displacement of people from their native lands. All that needs sorting out first or there will be no future at all to discuss.

And this. But I think this and Waldo's comments are connected, re: power, incompetence and control. 

Edited by Anna B
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52 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

The technological revolution I think it has already peaked and is slowing down. It is and has been very overhyped as it is a good story when it comes to fiction. The  same goes for AI and the use of Robots as that is just futuristic story telling. We have greater things to worry about for now as we have recently seen with viruses, the impact of global warming and the displacement of people from their native lands. All that needs sorting out first or there will be no future at all to discuss.

Technology is not slowing down my friend. Neither is it hype or fiction. How well do you understand decentralised technology, blockchain, and the move towards decentralised web platforms and services? I'm no expert on the matter, but I know enough (and have a technical background) to see it's going to have a big impact on us all.


To my mind, global warming is a far bigger concern than Covid. The advancement of general technology, I think has some positives with regards to our environment; as we produce more and more clean energy, and develop cleaner and more energy efficient machines and vehicles etc etc.


There's definitely resistance to the move towards a more decentralised paradigm. Look at China (the CCP), they've blocked crypto mining and also banned trading or holding crypto. They don't like it, presumably because it's something they can't control, and they VERY much like being in control. Personally, I think this kind of centralised power is a disaster waiting to happen. I'd be in danger of invoking Godwin's Law if I were to make historical comparisons to earlier times when 'too much power in the hands of the few' goes badly wrong for us all...

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3 hours ago, Delbow said:

In a broad sense that is communism, in my view. Decentralised decision making where us proles have much more involvement in how things are run and what decisions are made. Then replace private land ownership with common land ownership and that is more or less communism.

Hmmm, did that paradigm work out in those countries that have attempted Communism, or more recently with e.g. Brexit wherein the proles were given that ‘much more involvement’ in that decision? 😏


Logically, then decentralised or not, decision-making that is consistently in the common interest should always be made based on resource planning and allocation alone, factoring in the chaotic variables of a world wherein no country exists in a vacuum, nor is governed on the same model and with the same imperatives at the same time as all others, nor are resources -natural and not- equally and evenly distributed.


This pipedream of a socio-economic model peddled by Bastiani could only conceivably exist as a global (borderless) technocracy. I doubt enough are ready and willing to embrace that model, however much Star Trek’s “borderless technocratic” make-believe Earth actually appeals to many of them 😉 


Edited by L00b
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3 hours ago, Waldo said:

Technology is not slowing down my friend. Neither is it hype or fiction. How well do you understand decentralised technology, blockchain, and the move towards decentralised web platforms and services? I'm no expert on the matter, but I know enough (and have a technical background) to see it's going to have a big impact on us all.


Sorry my fault as I should have been a bit clearer. What I meant was that technological invention has slowed down as very little in the way of new technology has been invented and why I said I though it had peaked. What we have at the moment is new uses of technology that had already been invented. AI, blockchain, web platforms, cloud services etc all rely on using already invented technology and software to progress, which is mainly in the electronics domain. In the past we had giant leaps in technology such as transistors that led to microprocessors via lithographic technology methods that led to computers/computer control, LEDs and fibre optics which were all new. Fair enough we now have satellites, reusable rockets and 3d printing amongst a few other new inventions but even there they are using pre invented technology to exist.  

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3 hours ago, Dromedary said:

Sorry my fault as I should have been a bit clearer. What I meant was that technological invention has slowed down as very little in the way of new technology has been invented and why I said I though it had peaked. What we have at the moment is new uses of technology that had already been invented. AI, blockchain, web platforms, cloud services etc all rely on using already invented technology and software to progress, which is mainly in the electronics domain. In the past we had giant leaps in technology such as transistors that led to microprocessors via lithographic technology methods that led to computers/computer control, LEDs and fibre optics which were all new. Fair enough we now have satellites, reusable rockets and 3d printing amongst a few other new inventions but even there they are using pre invented technology to exist.  

But for the truly groundbreaking, which is rarer than hens’ teeth, every invention is an improvement of an earlier invention.

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