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Sheffield City Centre - The Future


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12 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

That did make me giggle...

... but as it's such a ill-thought through idea, I suspect SCC may well be seriously considering it! :hihi:


Yeah it's a bit mad - but I like it. People don't seem to like mad ideas anymore. The tank was once mad, as was the bouncing bomb as was quantum mechanics. Why do you think it's "ill thought through" please?

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14 minutes ago, E-Man Groovin said:

Yeah it's a bit mad - but I like it. People don't seem to like mad ideas anymore. The tank was once mad, as was the bouncing bomb as was quantum mechanics. Why do you think it's "ill thought through" please?

Hmmm... :huh:

I really wouldn't know where to start.

It reads like a brain dump from an over-enthusiastic but under-qualified town planner!

As an entertaining blog though it's very funny... :thumbsup:

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13 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

That did make me giggle...

... but as it's such a ill-thought through idea, I suspect SCC may well be seriously considering it! :hihi:


Street food market, live music venue, art gallery, open space (pop-up city centre 'beach' parks are quite common in the summer now); none of that is exactly outlandish or uncommon in city centres these days. Just a little unusual to house it all in the same building I guess.


Let's be clear - anyone who still just thinks it needs to be a department store again is deluded.


29 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

over-enthusiastic but under-qualified town planner

You just described the general public. Like a lot of professions, everyone in the general public thinks they know how to do job 'X' better than the professionals, in this case town planner/property developer/architect etc. They rarely take in to account all the difficulties and restrictions all those professions have to take in to account.


The starting point always has to be getting ideas out there. Laugh at them all you want, at least this person is coming up with some ideas.


12 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

For gods sake just knock the thing down, anyone with an emotional attachment to that building is bonkers. "Ooh Cole Brothers, ooooh".  Get a grip.

I don't disagree with the second part of your comment there, but with regards to demolition, there are financial and environmental costs to demolishing buildings that shouldn't be taken lightly in the year 2022 by a cash-strapped council in a climate emergency.


It's still very plausible that all or at least some (the car park, I suspect) of JL will be demolished for a new development but it's equally likely the building will be retained if it's structurally sound and the space inside is workable for whatever new uses it has. 

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9 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

The starting point always has to be getting ideas out there. Laugh at them all you want, at least this person is coming up with some ideas.


Hmmm... :huh:

Anyone can come up with ideas...

... it's making them work that's the hard bit! :roll:

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18 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Anyone can come up with ideas...

... it's making them work that's the hard bit! :roll:

Theory is always the starting point for practice. Practice without theory is mindless! That isn't to say that all theory is good, but sift the bad theory from the good theory then you have a starting point. Thanks for your thoughts though Mr Blokey. Much appreciated

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19 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Anyone can come up with ideas...

... it's making them work that's the hard bit! :roll:

Which is exactly the point of the rest of my post - (and put much better than me by E-Man Groovin above). Long-term it's important to let professionals do their job and trust their knowledge (OK, I know that can be hard to do with Sheffield council!), but as a starting point it's important to be open-minded and welcome ideas and new thinking, to get a full range of posibilities on the board.


I hate to say it, but the people who are first to complain about ideas being outlandish, ridiculous, etc., are usually also the first people to complain about the council having a lack of vision, being stuck in the past etc.


Anyway, the things suggested in that idea aren't really that unusual or uncommon in modern city centres but probably would be quite attractive new additions - why do you think it's ill-thought through?

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22 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

Which is exactly the point of the rest of my post - (and put much better than me by E-Man Groovin above). Long-term it's important to let professionals do their job and trust their knowledge (OK, I know that can be hard to do with Sheffield council!), but as a starting point it's important to be open-minded and welcome ideas and new thinking, to get a full range of posibilities on the board.


I hate to say it, but the people who are first to complain about ideas being outlandish, ridiculous, etc., are usually also the first people to complain about the council having a lack of vision, being stuck in the past etc.


Anyway, the things suggested in that idea aren't really that unusual or uncommon in modern city centres but probably would be quite attractive new additions - why do you think it's ill-thought through?

Hmmm... :huh:

Why do I think it's ill-thought through?

I can only apologise if I've got the wrong end of the stick here, but having just had a quick look through your posting history, it would appear that you seem to 'specialise' in defending posts regarding all things council related.

Now a much more cynical person than myself might suspect that it's because you are in some way employed by them.

Assuming that to be the case, then I find it unbelievable that someone in that position is asking a member of the public on an internet forum why an idea is ill-thought through.


If I'm wrong and it isn't ill-thought through, then shouldn't you be telling us all why it isn't, and why it's a perfectly feasible idea? :roll:

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