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Sheffield City Centre - The Future


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37 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Steel and glass most likely.  Something that's going to look sleek and modern in keeping with a progressive city.


We are hardly talking as if the building it's replacing was some vital historical unique piece of architecture. It is a concrete slab of a former store which was half empty for near on 20 years and has been completely abandoned for over 6 years.


What do you propose they do with it after all this time?

I agree with you, the land should be put to some good use . What that is could be be affected by the councils master plan for the Castlegate / High street area . 

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1 hour ago, LovePotion said:

You don't see the correlation. Residential areas lose vibrancy.  It will effectively be a shrinking of the city centre. Your plan for Fargate to be taken over by flats will mean that it is less appealing to those visiting the city centre. Effectively, Sheffield City Centre would be condensed to just The Moor and The Peace Gardens. A shrinkage of that size could warrant the loss of city status. 

What the hell you talking about. Some of the biggest cities in the world have a vast amounts of residential within their downtown areas. In fact for some places residential makes up more than commercial and retail.


You seem to be deluded in thinking that the "city centre" is just a shopping mall. It isn't. Never was. Never is.


Why would streets and buildings becoming residential make it "less appealing" for people to come here. How about all the visitors coming to visit people who live here.  Do you not think for one moment such visits might coincide with visiting some shops, visiting a restaurant, visiting a bar, seeing a film.... 


What about the obvious fact that the more residential that gets developed, the more people will be in the city, keeping areas vibrant long after 5:30 when all the office workers have gone home. How about the fact that people living in city centres are less likely to own a car and therefore more likely to shop, eat, drink and use local entertainment facilities instead of buggering off to some shopping mall or retail park out of town.


The days of endless meandering streets of retail and rows of department stores are long gone. You need to wise up to that. If places is like London, Manchester, New York, Chicago..... Are suffering a major casualties on the high street's, Sheffield is far from being able to sustain it.


The purpose of a city is evolving as it is in places all over the world. There is going to be far more mixed use, far more leisure facilities, and far more residential. That is the future. Only you seem to be seeking that as a negative.  


Take a look at construction and developments happening right now. Look at the areas undergoing massive regeneration with millions of pounds of investment. Look at the buildings which have been brought back for life after years of abandonment and decay. It ain't shops.


As for losing city status.  Its laughable.   We got a cathedral, a city council, a city hall, a city regional mayor, two universities, three technical colleges, several major hospitals including a regional teaching centre, multiple blue chip companies and a population approaching 545,000 which is 7th biggest in the country and even bigger than our 'rivals' up the M1.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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17 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

Doesn't it strike you as strange, how all of these High Street staples omit Sheffield? No Giraffe, no Disney Store, no Edinburgh Woollen Mill, no Pret Á Manger, no Greenwood's, no Snappy Snaps.

There also isnt a Woolworths, Our Price, C&A or Freeman, Hardy and Willis. Its a disgrace I tell thee.

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11 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

Doesn't it strike you as strange, how all of these High Street staples omit Sheffield? No Giraffe, no Disney Store, no Edinburgh Woollen Mill, no Pret Á Manger, no Greenwood's, no Snappy Snaps.

Firstly, greenwoods went into administration nearly three years ago. Snappy snaps is a division of Timpsons and we have plenty of those around the city, we have a giraffe restaurant at meadowhall, the Disney store closed all of its UK and Ireland stores with exception of one on Oxford Street and Dublin (both of which are capital cities). Edinburgh Woollen Mill has been bouncing in and out of administration for the past few years, and as for pret a manger, we still have one at meadowhall.


If that's really what makes your credentials for a thriving successful a city,  you really need to aim higher.

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22 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

That is not the city centre. I am well aware that Meadowhall has a wide range of retailers but people visiting here will usually hang around the city centre. And not all of us live near to Meadowhall. 

Nottingham has one right in the city centre.

Are we ignoring the fact you named shops that havent existed for years anywhere?

Edited by HeHasRisen
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18 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

I assume you are referring to London. The sheer size of London means it can afford to have some of the city as residential space. Red Lion Square, Portugal Street, all have tourist traps close by and important landmarks such as The School Of Economics, bars, restaurants adorn the outer rims of the residential streets. 


There would be no bars, libraries etc if Fargate was made residential. It would be like any other residential suburb, there would be a corner shop, the obligatory youths hanging around outside, pharmacy and that would be about it. The only people who would benefit would be property developers. 


They built flats around Kirkgate in Wakefield centre and it is now a very grim area because of it.

No I am not just referring to London. I am referring to Manchester and Birmingham and Leeds and Newcastle and Nottingham and Glasgow and Edinburgh and York and Chester it is happening all over.


You are talking out of your posterior. There are entire developments of leisure being built in Sheffield right now because it's going to be served by the mass influx of residential. It ain't being built for the office workers or the odd shopper coming in once a week.


You really need to open your eyes and see what's happening in the world. You are in a time warp.


I'd like to know what it would have been made of Kirkgate without the flats.  Perhaps you would have preferred an abandoned no go zone with a load of empty decaying buildings instead

Edited by ECCOnoob
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