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Save The Bbc

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34 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Once I'm not paying the licence fee I'll give the money to BLM instead.

did you ever pay it????from one extreme to another!!!! better a properly deserving cause like Macmillan or heart foundation. 

i for one am glad the licence fee is being scrapped, the supercilious broadcasting for the woke and pc brigade, bias babble, dramas and comedies so unfunny and so unwatchable due to the pc agendas, bring on the funding by subscription and see how many sign up for the twaddle it puts out.

Edited by ab6262
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I thought the old BBC license fee had been killed years ago.


The BBC is a useless as the Royal Family.


I remember in the early days of TV, how they used to have their wireless vans prowling the neighborhood, looking for clandestine TV receivers. Looked a bit like Warsaw in 1947.


I also remembered how the BBC perpetrated the "class system" by their stereotyping of the working class as nothing more than the butt of London jokes! "Ee, I cud eat a meat pie!"


They were still at it when they finally gave the working class their own Corrie Street.


Off with their heads!

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i can understand some of the sentiment behind this : some people get upset that they're paying for something they don't use.


(i bet they do)


But i don't have kids, i'm still happy to pay towards running schools, it's how society works.


(see also : libraries, council-owned golf courses, care homes, pensions, the M8, the royal family, etc.)


but for the BBC to survive on a mixed diet of advertising + subscription, it's going to need help.


This clearly isn't about moving to a more egalitarian system, this is about shutting down the BBC.

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14 minutes ago, ads36 said:

i can understand some of the sentiment behind this : some people get upset that they're paying for something they don't use.


(i bet they do)


But i don't have kids, i'm still happy to pay towards running schools, it's how society works.


(see also : libraries, council-owned golf courses, care homes, pensions, the M8, the royal family, etc.)


but for the BBC to survive on a mixed diet of advertising + subscription, it's going to need help.


This clearly isn't about moving to a more egalitarian system, this is about shutting down the BBC.

It is indeed about shutting down government news agencies.


They have a built in conflict of interest.


They are biased against any political party who would defund them, and in favor of the Party that keeps their coffers full of taxpayer money.


It's just human nature at work!



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Simple solution.   Change the name, 'TV Licence Fee' to  subscription fee, scrap the TV Licencing Dept.,  and scramble the various BBC signals.  People could then pay for whatever BBC channels they wish to subscribe too, as with the likes of Sky. 


It would also end the problem of licence fee dodgers


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1 minute ago, spilldig said:

Not been fit for purpose since about the end of 80s  and it wasn't any use in the 60s. I recall the way they used to ban any half decent record forcing everyone to listen to Radio Luxembourg with bad reception. Radio Caroline, the way they tried every way possible to shut it down. The condescending way that Murray Walker used to talk down to people on F1 even though he didn't have a clue and the difference when someone came on who knew what they were talking about, like James Hunt. The witch hunts with the, so called, detector vans. The threats etc.


Edited by spilldig
went on twice.
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17 hours ago, zoco said:

I love this sentence:


"Unless we act the BBC as we know it will be destroyed, hidden behind a paywall, and only accessible to those who can afford it."


which to me implies that currently there are people who can't afford it who watch BBC TV content free of charge i.e. not buying a TV Licence.

Me too, especially when you consider how many BBC programmes - especially classic comedy ones - aren't available free on iPlayer but I have to pay for UKTV Play or Britbox to see them.

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