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Symptoms Of Long Covid

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It's a shame that hecate isn't posting any more because she used to be able to explain a lot of science stuff. About a year ago there was research going on into whether Long Covid (and by extension, potentially other autoimmune disorders like ME) might be caused by viral 'reservoirs', where fragments of the virus remain in the body and keep triggering the immune system. But I can't find much that's up to date about that.

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It must be a bit galling for people with conditions like ME or fibromyalgia, because it's only really since Long Covid came along that research into the causes of autoimmune conditions has stepped up, and that seems to be very much for economic reasons (i.e. number of work days lost). But hopefully, the scientific understanding will increase and that will benefit people with those other conditions.

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8 hours ago, Delbow said:

It's a shame that hecate isn't posting any more because she used to be able to explain a lot of science stuff. About a year ago there was research going on into whether Long Covid (and by extension, potentially other autoimmune disorders like ME) might be caused by viral 'reservoirs', where fragments of the virus remain in the body and keep triggering the immune system. But I can't find much that's up to date about that.

She is Belatrix 

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8 hours ago, Delbow said:

It's a shame that hecate isn't posting any more because she used to be able to explain a lot of science stuff. About a year ago there was research going on into whether Long Covid (and by extension, potentially other autoimmune disorders like ME) might be caused by viral 'reservoirs', where fragments of the virus remain in the body and keep triggering the immune system. But I can't find much that's up to date about that.

There was a good Nature review a few months back discussing possible mechanisms.  With the emphasis on the possible; there are likely several and different for different people, as has likely already been mentioned on here.

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In case anyone reading this was curious about my slightly oblique comment on a different thread, it seems there was a recent Long Covid Masterclass.


John Bye @_johnbye Aug 22 • 8 tweets • 4 min read 
Proving once again that he'll do anything that gives him an opportunity to promote himself, Aseem Malhotra is appearing at an online "Long COVID masterclass" .. run by a homeopath and featuring several notorious anti-vaxxers, quacks and conspiracy theorists.

I quite liked the comment about Bryan Ardis,

"whose claims that covid is caused by snake venom in our water were so ridiculous that fellow conspiracy theorists accused him of being a government plant to make them all look stupid by association."

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