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Symptoms Of Long Covid

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19 minutes ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

Yes long Covid does exist , in fact , some of us that worked the front line got it . It's not nice . I was lucky I didn't get it . I was protected while I worked on Covid wards , but went & got Covid once I moved back to downstream , as did others .Luckily , it was short term , unlike  some of my friends who got long Covid 

Yes, I’m sure it exists and is very debilitating. It is made worse too when a doctor suggests it’s all in the mind.

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Long Covid sounds very similar to M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomylitis) or Chronic Fatigue, which I contracted following a very nasty but unnamed viral infection back in 2006. It put me in bed for 3 months and I have never fully recovered. I still have symptoms today. It was disparagingly also Known as 'Yuppie Flu' because it was especially difficult to diagnose, and some people didn't believe it existed at all. Trust me, it did. 


It was only diagnosed in my case because my brilliant GP wouldn't give up and sent me for every test under the sun and then some. It was found to have affected my heart, which was the only measurable symptom, although I had many others. The tiredness was overwhelming, I could sleep for days and lacked the energy to function normally at all. I went from a very busy, active, sporty person to an invalid overnight. I had to give up work in the end so it had lifechanging repercussions. There was no cure, only 'management,' and pacing, with help from the ME clinic.  


I believe it's now thought to have a relationship with multiple sclerosis. It waxes and wanes and takes different forms. I  have less attacks than I used to, and they are much less severe, but it's very real.

If Long Covid is anything like the same, I sympathise with anyone suffering from it. It really is  no joke. 

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7 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Long COVID Prevalence was highest among those aged 45 to 64, women, people not working or looking for work, and those in the north-west of England.


Well well.

I’m not sure what you mean by that but those categories don’t apply to my friend. Neither will they apply to many others with Long Covid.  


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18 minutes ago, pfifes said:

I’m not sure what you mean by that but those categories don’t apply to my friend. Neither will they apply to many others with Long Covid.  


I've no doubt it applies to everyone, but it's rather a telling statistic.


I am not naive enough to realise that " long COVID" is a great excuse for some.


Wonder why it was so much prevelent in the Liverpool area?

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