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Another T Bone Rta At Meadowhead Junction!


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2 minutes ago, bassett one said:

but surely theres going to be more injurys if the numbers keep going up,somthing needs sorting before someone gets killed,prevention before cure comes to mind

First thing that needs doing is better enforcement of existing laws and regulations. Get all those idiots, that are incapable of driving safely, off the roads.
No licence. No insurance. No tax. Illegal number plates. Illegal parking. Dangerous driving. Lack of care and attention. Red lights.
Change the law. Crush their cars.
oooooh! 'ark at me without coffee!

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i agree with all that ,but you can park on side road corners,do 60 plus in a 20mph zone ect,ect no ones intrested really,i could take you just lowedges and the parking at night and day and if you stuck to the law ,you could ticket 100 cars/vans and thats the same as many other places,any mug can make laws ,but its enforcing them and folk know the authorities wont,the race up lowedges road 50-80 mph to bradway but no action and thats a 20mph road

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On 12/03/2022 at 10:41, bassett one said:

but surely theres going to be more injurys if the numbers keep going up,somthing needs sorting before someone gets killed,prevention before cure comes to mind

Same at any site where collisions are occurring though.


The thing you need to understand is that there are limited amounts of money.


There's not enough to treat every site where collisions occur or where there's a perception of "danger".


Therefore there has to be a way of prioritising.


The government is committed to reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured (KSI's), so they judge local authority performance on those stats. Naturally the local authorities prioritise their available funding to address the most pressing of those issues ie the places where most deaths / serious injuries are happening.


On the stats that were linked earlier in the thread, it wasn't one of the highest locations in terms of numbers of serious injuries.


The Council are monitoring it and have put up additional signing as has been noted on here. That's an understandable approach, trying a lower cost option first.


You should perhaps also consider that "needs sorting before someone gets killed" is something the Council's engineers hear all the time. They need to take an evidence based approach rather than relying on  such perceptions.


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18 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

What restrictions are these drivers allegedly contravening?

A bloke on Greenhill forum told him they were parked illegally, thus it is now #FACT

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if you go round lowedges,greenhill,batemoor,jordanthorpe ect,ect and you where a traffic warden or police officer at night you could book several hundred cars for

parking illegal and i take it that would include many more areas,also the 20mph limit,the whole lots a joke as these people make the rules,but knowing well they cannot enforce them,it just makes them look good to the public,its about time there was a clamp down,but cannot see it anytime soon.

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51 minutes ago, bassett one said:

if you go round lowedges,greenhill,batemoor,jordanthorpe ect,ect and you where a traffic warden or police officer at night you could book several hundred cars for

parking illegal and i take it that would include many more areas,also the 20mph limit,the whole lots a joke as these people make the rules, but knowing well they cannot enforce them, it just makes them look good to the public,its about time there was a clamp down,but cannot see it anytime soon.

Again, please define "parking illegal"


The Council's CEO's can only enforce restrictions like a double or single yellow line. They don't work overnight.


Other things like parking in a junction, obstruction etc can only be enforced by the Police. If it's Police matters you are complaining about, have a word with your local policing team, they may take action.


Regarding 20mph limits the people who install them are the Council. The Police enforce them. The Police have told the Council that they are not going to enforce 20 limits, but the Council continue to install them because Councillors want them, as people ask for them. The Councillors can then say they listened to people and acted (despite the fact that  they know that the signing and lining only 20 zones make hardly any difference to average speeds (their officers have told them this) and won't be enforced ). 

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yes its parking on double yellow lines ,obstructing junctions ,speeding in 20mph zones,lowedges road is awfull,people speeding all the time,i agree with you,somthing needs doing,but the police have not got the time,so its do what you want,re-this junction i have used it today,its a simple task of common sense,maybe if the oncoming traffic was reduced to 30mph that may help,but i think its the drivers getting upset at waiting,so try to speed over it.

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I went to the St. James retail park early Sunday morning and when I came out it was stupid drivers turning into the complex when the road into the park was full and stopping in the main road, thus stopping all the traffic that wanted to go towards Meadowhead. Crazy.

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